Chapter 13 - Talking

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Parisas POV:

I was sat outside on my phone, all alone until Casey walked up to me. "Hey, um why you on your own? Everything OK?" I ignored him and he sighed, "Parisa? Come on talk to me?" I put my phone down and stared up at him. "I'm fine." He checked his surroundings and looked at me, "Listen, somethings wrong I can tell and I'm here if you need to talk."

"We only met a few days ago!!!" I snapped, he seemed taken back and I sighed. "Sorry Case. Its just I told someone I like, I really like, I didn't like them... which was a lie." I was good friends with Casey and I didn't mean to snap. He smiled sympathetically and sat next to me, "dont worry P. If you really like them that much and you want to be with them, you'll do the right thing." I smiled at him and gave him a hug, "thanks Casey."

"No problem."

Betsys POV:

I found Parisa sat with Casey and I slowly walked up. "Hey P can I talk to you?" She nodded. Casey smiled at me and gave me a quick hug and whispered in my ear, "boy trouble." I whispered back, "I know. See you layer." He just smiled and I smiled back and he walked off. "So..." I said sitting next to her as she stared at the floor. "I know what happened. I thought you liked Charlie?" She looked at me and a tear rolled down her cheek, I wiped it away and said, "P dont cry. Whats happened?" After a few minutes of silence she choked out, "I kissed Mikey because he said he liked you and me...and I didn't want him to think... you know...and you like Mikey and... oh im so confused!" I hugged her tightly and she hugged me back. Mikey likes me? I shook it out of my head and said, "Parisa, just because Mikey confused you dosn't mean you shouldn't confess your feelings. We're both hiding how we really feel towards both of them." She stayed quite. "I know... I just need a bit of time thats all."

"I know."

"Guys! Louis is going to be here soon and we need to get ready for our performance!" I heard Mikey shout. "OK!" I shouted back, we both stood up and Parisa grabbed my hand as we followed Mikey.

Only the Young-It's complicated (a Charisa, Barlie, Metsy and Marisa Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now