Chapter 49 - Suspicions

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Three weeks later

Parisas POV:

I'm suspicious. I have this awful feeling that Charlie is.... is... cheating on me. I keep trying to wipe the thoughts clean but I cant. I think he's cheating on me with Lauren. Even though we're not in the show we kept in touch with most people. He keeps getting texts and smiling or chuckling at them, then I saw who they were from and one read 'I love you.' I have to tell him at some point after the news ive been given.... im also quite sad as its mothers day....

I walked into the lounge where Charlie was sat alone on his phone. I sat next to him and his arm instantly wrapped around me and he put his phone away. "Hello my gorgeous girl." He smiled, I weakly smiled back. I looked down so we weren't making eye contact. "P? Whats wrong?" I took a deep breath, I better tell him. "Charlie are you cheating on me?"

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