Chapter 22 - Broken

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Parisas POV:

I was broken. Lost. Deystroyed. I was upset, alone, hurt, annoyed. I was running as fast as I could, Betsy following me, hot on my heels. She was calling my name but I ignored her, just kept running. Suddenly I saw an acohole and drug shop. I ran over to it, but it was closed. I stood there staring at it I picked up a rock and thought for a moment, when Betsy ran up beside me.

Betsys POV:

I ran up to Parisa. She was staring emotionless at an acohole and drug shop, good drugs obviously. She had a rock in her hand, she was moving it around in her hand and tapping her leg with her free hand. "Parisa.. calm down. Everything will be ok. We can talk about whatevers happened. Just put the rock down and come with me." She didnt say anything just glared at me and then threw the rock straight at the window. The glass shattered and an alarm went off. And just to our luck two police men were on potrol and came running up to us shouting. I yelled, "Parisa run! GO!" She stared at me and stammered, "I'm not leaving you." I sighed and pushed her, "JUST GO!" She nodded and legged it up the road. I felt two strong hands grab my arms and through them behind my back, holding me tightly so I couldnt run. "You've been nicked." Said a deep intimidating voice. The other policeman ran after Parisa, but she was already to far away and she managed to escape ... luckily. "Your gonna take a little trip to the sation." The policeman who was holding me said. I gulped. I cant get arrested!

DUN DUN DUN! I like leaving cliffhangers.... I'm probably killing most of you!

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