Chapter 25 - Prison

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If you cant remember Betsy got arrested in chapter 22!

Betsys POV:

This cant be happening! I've just been thrown into prison!!! I was scared, worried. What about Parisa? Whilst I was walking I hit into someones body and fell to the ground. I looked up to see this rough looking man, with some other men. "Your from that group.... only the young." The one I hit into said, I got myself up and nodded. He grinned and evil grin and looked at the others, then back at me. "Well heres the thing princess, we dont like you. Do we lads?" The others cheered and before I knew it I had been chucked to the ground, fists, feet and a couple of bats hitting me. Pain shot through me, I moaned in pain trying to scream for help. Then to my relief a guard ran up and pushed them away and some other guards pulled them away. "You OK?" He asked helping me up. I nodded. "Your aloud to phone someone now. If they pick you up, you are free to go." I sort of smiled and he smiled back at me. "Come on I'll take you to get looked at after what happened then you can make a phone call." I felt dizzy and could feel blood trickling down my forehead. A horrible pain in my stomach. But with the guards help I made it to the medical area.


I hopped over to the phone place and sat down. I quickly dialed Mikeys number and prayed he picked up.

Mikeys POV:

My phone rang and everyone stared at me. Betsy was written across the screen. I answered immediately.

M- "Betsy! Where are you? Ive been so worried!"

B- "im in prison!!! Ive been beaten up and Parsia, I dont know where she is!"

M- Oh My God! Betsy are you OK? I'm gonna kill whoever hurt you, I swear!"

B- "Mikey calm down, just come and pick me up and then we can all find Parsia!"

M- "OK... why were you arrested?"

B- "Long story. Just get me out of here!"

M- "im on my way!"

The line went dead and I looked at the others, worry spread across my face. "Mikey whats happend?"

"Betsys been arrested and Parsia is missing."

Only the Young-It's complicated (a Charisa, Barlie, Metsy and Marisa Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now