Chapter Four

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New Orleans, Louisiana; the place where I was born and raised

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New Orleans, Louisiana; the place where I was born and raised. No matter where I go or what I do with my life, the NOLA blood will always run heavy through my veins. 

This weekend is my mama's birthday, so I had to come through and show some love. Mama and I haven't always had the best relationship but we're good now. She's still my mama, the woman that gave me life, the woman who did her best to raise me right and I feel as though now that I have the means to provide for myself and my family, I should repay her for the things she has done because I really wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for her - good and bad times included. Everything led me to become the man the world knows today.

I got out of my Range Rover and locked it up before walking into the house that I bought for my mama when I made enough money off this music stuff. I didn't want her to stay in a place that can be so dangerous, but it's what she wanted so I gave in. Thankfully she let me put her in a nicer neighbourhood but it wasn't too far away from everything she knows and loves. 

Whoever was all here was already lit. I could hear loud chatter and laughter over the already loud music that was playing. It was clear my family and mama's friends were already turning up. As I walked through the door and into the living room, I was met with a few of my childhood friends who I grew up real close with - my mama considers them her other sons. 

"Aye Yungin' in the house!"

I chuckled and moved around the room, dapping them all up. "Wassup y'all."

"Is that my August Anthony I hear?!" I heard my mama say before she popped up in the doorway. "Oh my baby boy!"

"Hey mama."

She rushed over to me and pulled me into her arms, hugging me like a bear. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her back just as tight. Even when I'm as busy as I am right now I always enjoy coming home and spending time with my family and getting hugs like this, they seem to relax me so much.

"I'm so happy you were able to make it."

"You know I wouldn't miss your birthday ma, not for anything in the world."

She smiled. "Mmmm. Now come on, your brother and nieces have been waiting on you." 

Before I could protest or say anything more she pulled me down the hall and out the back where everyone else was located - all were dancing, eating, drinking or talking amongst each other. 

My brother Travis was the first one to spot me. He handed the tools he was using on the grill over to one of our uncles and walked straight to us with a stupid smile on his face. I know he misses me whenever I have to go. Mama walked off to get the girls which left me and Trav alone.

"You're earlier than I thought dawg." He said while pulling me into a hug. 

"I wanted to get here before mama's big day tomorrow, plus some shit in New York was pissing me the fuck off."

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