Chapter Forty Eight

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After a long day teaching the next generation of hopeful, celebrity makeup artists, I got into my car and headed over to the doctor's office to grab some test results that I'd stopped in this morning to give samples for

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After a long day teaching the next generation of hopeful, celebrity makeup artists, I got into my car and headed over to the doctor's office to grab some test results that I'd stopped in this morning to give samples for. Having to drop the kids off at school and Armani off to my mom before anything else, I didn't have time to stick around and get them there on the spot. If I had, I definitely would've been late to my class and as a tutor now, that would've looked terrible. 

It's been two weeks since August and I got engaged and finally things have started to settle down. As soon as we got back to New Orleans it was like everyone had popped out to see us. That in itself was madness. Loyal and Armani hated the crowds but thankfully the girls took initiative to shield them from people and cameras and just keep them occupied. August and I flew out to New York to do interviews last week but we came back the very next day. We both agreed that one day with the media was enough, otherwise it would only prolong the madness. 

Chaylin, Amaiya and Kayden all took the news that we were getting married extremely well. They're already dreaming up plans for the wedding and providing me with all these wonderful ideas. I already told them that they're in the wedding despite the fact that August and I haven't had that conversation yet. As for Loyal and Armani, they will share the job of being the ring-bearers. I know almost everything I want to have at our wedding but I also want August to have everything that he wants incorporated into the wedding too. But of course, we have plenty of time to decide that. The timing will sort itself out, it always does. 

I got out of my car at the doctor's office and walked inside to reception. The receptionist looked up and smiled at me. 

"Hello again Everly. How was your day?"

"Long." I giggled. "The doctor called before and said my results were back."

"Yes they are." She replied and handed me and envelope. "Everything you need to know he put in the notes."

"Great. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome dear. Give my love to those little ones of yours."

I laughed and left the establishment. When I got into the car, I locked the doors and then tore open the envelope. I wanted to know right now the results of the tests I'd taken this morning. 

Dear Miss Ortiz, 

I am pleased to inform you that from the samples we took from you this morning, we were able to verify that you are indeed pregnant. 

According to the timeline you provided, as well as the tests themselves, I can determine that you are about four weeks along. I have booked you in for an in-home ultrasound this Saturday in order to confirm completely the develop of the baby and how healthy he or she currently is. Please remember to increase your intake of water and maintain a healthy, balanced diet. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Congratulations. 

Signed, Dr T. Harrison

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