Chapter Forty Six

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Sound check went extremely well and afterwards I went out with August and met some of the fans that were waiting in line and had been for some time

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Sound check went extremely well and afterwards I went out with August and met some of the fans that were waiting in line and had been for some time. That's some dedication right there, especially with this California heat. It was great meeting even more of the Alsina Nation, the fans that truly admire August and genuinely love him and appreciate the natural talent he has. After a while it did start to get crazy so we had to leave but I'm excited to see everyone in that arena. With everything that's happened August just put everything off and focused on us, his family, but now that we're in a very good place I urged him to get back to doing what he loves. He's put it off so long for us but now is the time to get back to doing shows and reconnect with his fans.

August hopped back into the car and closed the door behind himself. "It's wild out there."

"It sounds like it." I giggled. "Did you get what you needed?"

"Yeah. T's putting everything in the trunk for me, of course I got some extra stuff."

"As always. How're you feeling about the show? You still nervous?"

"A little but I know once I get out on stage I'll be fine. It's just been such a long time since I performed."

I nodded. "It has, but you'll be amazing, I know you will. Plus everyone's loving this new album. It's definitely perfect for today."

"Its is." He replied whilst slowly leaning in before our lips finally locked together. 

I can honestly say that I'm deeply, madly in love with this man and never would I have imagined that. One just falling so in love again, two it being August Alsina and three, sharing five children with him - three being our beautiful nieces and one not biologically being his but his nonetheless. 

Terrence drove us back to the hotel where August and I quickly got showered and dressed. I opted for a simpler look tonight, just jeans and a fancy shirt and some heels, I'm not really in the mood for a dress right now. My man did the same, opting for a plaid shirt, black pants, a snap back and of course his signature collection of chains. Once we were ready, we headed to the venue once again. 

As anticipated, the line to get inside stretched right around the block. The amount of happiness that filled my heart for my man was indescribable in that moment. He's such a hard worker and I am ecstatic that he's getting back to doing shows. I know tonight is just one show but I'm certain there will be plenty more in the future and next time, all five of our babies will be able to come along. I definitely want the boys to know what hard work is and to see their dad doing what he loves and how music can impact people...or rather how music can change the world. 

August and I rushed into the building quickly and went straight to his dressing room. Waiting outside was Chris and Larissa. I screamed happily, let go of Aug's hand and took off running to Rissa. She came running towards me too. When we collided I held her for dear life. 

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe you're actually here." I squealed, trying not to cry. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"August wanted it to be a surprise." She laughed and pulled away from the hug. "Plus I knew if I spoke to you anytime soon that I'd spill the news and I desperately wanted to tell you in person. I'm pregnant!"

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