Chapter Eighteen

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It's been days and my name has been all over the news

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It's been days and my name has been all over the news. All it took was for me to snap and swing on one person and now there's a total media circus. Of course my manager Kendall wasn't happy at all, more so at the fact that this could've been prevented if I'd just taken security out with me, but she is getting onto it with a team of people who are doing some damage control. 

Then of course there's my friends (and family) who have been reaching out. I've declined every call from my mother and brother because I really don't want to face them right now. I don't want to face anybody. I've declined too many calls from more people than I can count but I know I'll have to pick up the phone sooner or later.

This time away from everyone however has provided some great bonding for both me and my son. I've been getting to spend heaps of quality time with him, just the two of us. As much stress as I am under, this time with Loyal has brought me so much peace and calmness. For the first time in the past few months everything feels normal. 

"Goodnight my baby boy. I love you." I whispered before kissing my son's forehead and leaving the bedroom. 

We're still at Tremaine's apartment and we haven't left. Larissa has visited a few times and Trey has made his security bring us food and get any supplies that either me or Loyal may need; the only thing that I've found frustrating about this is the fact that he won't let me pay for anything. 

I walked into the living room but stopped and turned around when I heard the front door opening. My eyes landed on Tremaine who walked in quietly, then closed and locked the door. His eyes drifted up from the floor and immediately met mine. 

"I thought you'd be asleep." He said lowly, clearly unsure of how to react to seeing me since this is the first time since my admission.

"I haven't been getting much of that lately." I muttered, averting my gaze from him. 

And that is the whole truth. I've been getting in a few hours here and there but nothing close to what I normally would. My mind has been racing to hell and back being in such an odd place with him and with everything going on in the media.

"I you want to talk now?"

"How was Virginia?" I asked which totally disregarded his question.

He frowned. "Don't do that."

"Don't do what?" 

"Don't change the subject like that and just answer the question. Do you want to talk Everly?"

Truthfully, I have been dreading us actually talking because I know there will be one of many outcomes. One, he might forgive my stupid actions and stay around even if the baby isn't his. Two, he might turn around and say that he doesn't want anything to do with me and leave altogether. Three, he might not want anything to do with me but be a present dad if the baby is his. There are so many more things that could happen and I don't think I'm ready for any of it.

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