Chapter Twenty Nine

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"August Alsina's sister-in-law has been diagnosed with cancer

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"August Alsina's sister-in-law has been diagnosed with cancer. Reports are that-"

I scoffed and turned the TV off completely. "People have zero respect for privacy these days."

"Sadly that's how it goes when you're in the spotlight. You know that firsthand Everly." 

"I know, I just wish with things like this they'd shut their mouths and be decent human beings. Everyone's dealing with this hard enough they don't need these people publishing all these different stories about it."

Terrence sighed. "How is Aug holding up? He was quiet yesterday."

"He's doing as good as can be expected, definitely taking this hard. I think he's more so worried about the fact that if this does end the way none of us want it to that his nieces will end up parent-less. Plus he's worried about the upcoming album, the tour that would usually back up the release of the album and of course our baby that will be here soon. He's got so much on his plate right now. I'm a bit worried for him."

"Mommy! Where are you?" I heard Loyal's little voice call out from somewhere in the house. 

"In the garden." I called back. 

Minutes later he appeared with August, Mama Sheila and my mom. He ran over and climbed onto my lap. Everyone watched him place a hand on either side of my belly. He then began to rub softly in circular motions. I laughed when the baby started kicking, clearly shocking my poor little boy who stop abruptly and looked at me in confusion.

"Baby kicked me."

"That's how the baby talks to you, he or she is not kicking you because they are being mean. They want to say hi to you."

"Oh." He replied before looking down at my stomach. "Hi baby!"

As if to reply, the baby kicked several more times. 

"You ready to go to TT ChaCha's bubba? Hm?"

"Yes mommy."

 I lifted him off my lap, stood up and grabbed his hand. "Let's go then."

Myself, August, Loyal and Terrence went in one car while my mom and Mama Sheila went in another. We made the short drive to Chandra's house and when we pulled up Kayden, Amaiya and Chaylin were waiting outside. They all screamed loudly as soon as they saw the cars and ran straight to their uncle August. He laughed and showered each of them with hugs and kisses. Then they came to me. I hugged each of them before they moved on to see Loyal. Then my attention turned to Chandra who had made her way out of the house. August immediately wrapped his arms around her. 

"You had me so worried."

"I'm fine Aug. Really." She replied as they broke away from each other. "Woah, hey there big mama. That belly has grown even more."

"Tell me about it." I laughed and hugged her. 

"I feel sorry for you having to push out such a big head, lord."

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