Chapter Twenty Seven

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Two Months Later

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Two Months Later..

We've been here in The Maldives for about four days now and it has been the most relaxing four days of my life. August read somewhere a few weeks ago that The Maldives was the perfect place to go for a peaceful and relaxing getaway - so he of course booked flights and accommodation straight away. It's been so nice to be away from everything and have some time to just be. No paparazzi. No journalists. No crowds of fans. No drama. Just me and the father of my child enjoying this last vacation before we welcome our baby.

Speaking of August, he and I have been getting really close. After that day I opened up to him about Kade's murder our situation-ship evolved. We're not together but I am now not opposed to the idea. He's an incredible person and he's been so good to me these past few months, not to mention how good he's been with Loyal. My son has never had a male figure in his life the way August has been and I know that he loves August very much. He actually takes time out of his day to do things with Loyal, they'll go play football out the back of the house or go on a 'treasure hunt' or do August will simply do whatever Loyal wants to do. I think that is whats warmed my heart the most. He will be one amazing dad.

"August is this too much?"

He turned whilst putting on one of his many chains. "Huh?"

"My outfit. I'm not overdressed for wherever we're going?"

He looked at me and I watched his eyes trail from head to toe and back again. Shit. Maybe I am overdressed. Before he could say it verbally I spun around and started walking back towards my bedroom but was quickly stopped when I felt him grab my wrist.

"Where are you going?" He asked in confusion.

"To change."

"Why? You look great."

I sighed. "So I'm not overdressed?"

"Not at all." He assured. "You're the hottest mama I've ever seen."

I snickered. "Quit gassing me up dummy. Are you ready to go? Because I am starving. Oh gosh, this 'surprise' better involve food otherwise you'll be dealing with a hangry pregnant woman and I don't think you want to encounter that."

"Well lucky for the two of us it does involve food," he laughed before walking over to the kitchen and pulling out a little basket "but I did pack some snacks to hold us over until we get there."

"Wonderful! Let's go then."

I could hear him laughing as I walked past him and out of our apartment. He quickly caught up to me and we made our way to the awaiting car: a bright red and white 1950's convertible. He helped me get in, made sure that I was comfortable and had my snacks, he got into the driver's seat and we set off for our destination. Somewhere along the way in between eating, talking with August and listening to music, I fell asleep. 

I was woken up by August a little while later. My door was open and he was crouched down, a hand on my thigh lightly shaking me. He smiled up at me.

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