Chapter Forty Four

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Back on my editing shit. Purrr.

I stepped outside into the cool night air and quietly shut the door behind me before walking across the balcony to my brother who was leaning on the railing and looking out over the backyard

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I stepped outside into the cool night air and quietly shut the door behind me before walking across the balcony to my brother who was leaning on the railing and looking out over the backyard. After the funeral and burial everyone came back here to Mama Sheila's for food and refreshments. August, the kids and I will be staying here overnight, as will the girls, my mom and Jerome. Then tomorrow we'll all go to Chandra's house and clean everything out before selling it - as per her wishes. She wanted the house and her business to be sold and all the money to be equally divided into bank accounts that she set up for the girls. She wanted the same with anything else that needed to be sold but she had factored in funeral costs, however my man and I paid for everything - all the things that ChaCha left behind rightfully should go to her daughters. 

"I've been looking for you all over. Kayden wanted you to tuck her in, they're all getting ready for bed."

Jerome looked at me and nodded. "I'll go in soon."

"Who was on the phone? It sounded pretty important."

Instantly he sighed and turned his attention back to the dimly lit yard and silence fell upon us as I waited for an answer. Call me nosy or whatever you want but he'd have asked me the same question.  

"A real estate agent I've been speaking with."

"A real estate agent? Are you moving into your own place or something?"

He shook his head. "It was a plan that Chandra and I had made together but now I'm not so sure if it's the right thing to do, at least not without her."

"You were going to move in together?" I asked, shocked at this brand new information that I was slowly gathering.

"We were, but we weren't just gonna move in together, we were going to move to LA together with the girls and have a fresh start. The contract I signed for this year has all shoots in LA so it would make more sense for me to be there rather than travel every couple of days and Chandra saw this amazing space she wanted to acquire and open up as another branch of her business."

I reached out and placed my hand on his forearm. "I didn't know that you two were so serious."

"We moved fast, I admit, but we just...we clicked."

I nodded sadly. "So what are you going to do now?"

"I don't think that moving right now is the right thing to do and I'll probably just terminate the contract and find some work over here."

"Jerome, she wouldn't want you to throw away your career like that. She would want you to do what's best for you. I think that it would do you a world of good to go off and be away from all this and grieve properly."

"I'll think about it." He replied lowly. "I'm gonna go tuck Kayden in and then go to bed myself. Tomorrow's going to be a busy day."

"Okay. Think about what I said please."

Happily Ever-ly After | August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now