Chapter Twenty Four

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August and I sat out the back of his mother's house in the grass

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August and I sat out the back of his mother's house in the grass. Loyal was running around with the girls and August and I were waiting on the call from the doctor. She'd said to expect a call today around nine or ten in the morning. Last night I barely got any sleep just thinking about this phone call on top of all the media shit yesterday. At least after these results come out, I can plan out what I'm going to do from here. 

Finally, after what felt like forever, the phone started ringing. The doctor's number flashed on August's phone screen. Internally I was screaming. This was it. He answered the call and immediately put it on speaker.

"Good morning doc."

She laughed. "Good morning August. I take it Everly is there too?"

"I am. Good morning."

"Good morning." She replied. "Well I know you two have been waiting on this so I'll just get right to the point. Probability of paternity ninety nine point nine nine percent. Congratulations Mr Alsina."

I looked over at August who had the biggest smile on his face. His eyes looked like tiny little slits the way he was smiling. He was clearly over the moon. And I was too. At least now I know for sure who the father of my baby is and I can find peace in that. I'm also beyond happy that it's August and not Tremaine because who knows how that would've gone down. 

"Thank you doc, we appreciate it."

"Yes, thank you so much."

"No problem guys. Enjoy the rest of your day. Goodbye."

When the call clicked off, August shot up from his seated position and started running around the yard like a mad man while cheering loudly. The kids stared at him in total confusion which made me burst out laughing. Mama Sheila then appeared rather quickly and both Terrence and Chandra were not far behind her. She looked at her son who was still running around cheering and then she looked down at me, my emotional self who was smiling from ear to ear and crying at the same time. Realisation seemed to hit her and she too began to tear up as she rushed over to me and pulled me up from the grass and into her arms.

"Oh my gosh." I heard Chandra scream excitedly. "Baby Alsina!"

"No matter what happens from this day forward, you're officially a member of this family Everly and my home is always open to you." Mama Sheila said and pulled away from our embrace. "Gosh, you've got us all crying now. My son I can see is happy."

"Happy?" Terrence snickered. "That boy looks like he's had ten energy drinks and then some."

"You know, he wasn't exactly happy that he thought he got that other grimy little thing pregnant, but he was happy that he was having a child. He's always wanted a family, he's just never found the right person for himself, but I think now he has. These last few days are the happiest I've seen my son in a long time. He knows how to put on a front but this last week his emotions have been genuine and I have you and Loyal to thank for that. I haven't always been the best mother but I'll always only want the best for my children."

Before I could reply, August approached us. He was huffing and puffing but that same smile remained on his face. He grabbed me gently and pulled me into a hug. 

"I knew it." He whispered to me. "I'm actually going to be a dad...shit that's kinda scary but I think I'm ready for it."

"You are." I whispered back. "You're so good with your nieces and you've made the best effort with Loyal, I don't doubt for a second that you're going to be an amazing father to our baby."

"Alright you two, I'd hate to break this up but the car is waiting outside Aug."

I frowned a little and leaned back to see his face. "Car?"

"I'm going to sign the papers for the house this morning and pick up the keys. I thought you and Loyal could come along too, get him out of the house."

"Oh, um okay. Let me go upstairs quickly and get him a jacket and pack him some snacks."

"I'll take him to the car then."

I nodded and headed inside. I got upstairs and grabbed my purse, then went ahead and grabbed Loyal's jacket and his little backpack which had a blanket, some toys and snacks inside. I grabbed my phone from the charger and paused. It's confirmed that the baby is August's so either way, I need to tell Tremaine. At least then he can officially be out of my life forever. I went into my contacts and found his name and typed out a quick message.

To Tremaine: You can rejoice and so can I...the baby isn't yours ✌

I made sure the message sent before blocking his number altogether. He is officially done from my life. 

I slipped back into the car after finalising all the paper work for my new house and getting the keys

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I slipped back into the car after finalising all the paper work for my new house and getting the keys. Anywhere from now I can move in which is something I am even more excited about now since we've confirmed that the baby is one hundred percent mine. I can have my own space and a space where Everly can be at with Loyal whenever she wants, and I can build a space for my son or my daughter. 

My phone started ringing right as I closed the door. I fished into my pocket and pulled out my phone, surprised to see Angela Yee's contact flashing on my screen. She's been a good friend of mine from the very beginning of my career and I'm thankful to have a friendship with her. I swiped across and answered the call.

"Wassup Ang."

She laughed. "Hey August. I heard you wanted to do an interview."

"Most definitely. I want to set shit straight, for me and for Everly." 

At that moment Everly looked at me with raised eyebrows. 

"Fair enough. Well we would be happy to have you back here, how soon can you be at the studio?"

"Is tomorrow cool? The sooner the better if I'm being quite honest."

"Perfect. I'll put promo out tonight then."

"Sweet. Thanks Ang."

"Anything for you August. See you tomorrow. Bye."


"What was that about?" Everly asked. 

"I'm flying out tomorrow to do an interview with The Breakfast Club. That was Angela Yee, she's been a friend of mine from the beginning of my career. I know I said not to let stuff effect you, but when it comes to stuff like this I have to speak up and set things straight. If Trey wants to go out there and say some out of it bull then I'm going to go out there and speak the truth."

She sighed. "You don't have to do that August."

"I do though. He went above and beyond to trash you and your name, that's not right. People need to know the truth." 

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