Chapter Fifty Five

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One Year Later

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One Year Later..

The courtroom was packed completely. The Jackson siblings sat in front of me consoling their mother who was bawling her eyes out - something that I've witnessed one too many times now since she found out Dontrell was the person that murdered Kade. His own brother. Speaking of the devil himself, sitting behind a bulletproof screen in handcuffs was Dontrell. He looked like absolute shit and he too was crying as he stared at his family, the family that he betrayed. It's still crazy that he could do such a thing and live with himself after the fact. 

"Your honour, we'd like to call to the stand the prime witness in this case. Genesis Parker."

I watched Genesis take the stand with her lawyer close by. He was a good friend of mine and I'd hired him for her. I don't like the girl in any way but to get justice for Loyal's father she needed the best of the best otherwise if Dontrell was to not get convicted, I'd have to transition back to Yung for a moment and we wouldn't want that, not when I have kids to take care of. 

Dontrell's lawyer stood up and walked over to the stand. "Miss Parker I would like to invite you to share your statement for this case. Then we will ask you some questions."

"On the night that Kade Jackson was murdered, Dontrell Jackson who was my boyfriend at the time, came home covered in blood and a crying mess. In the lead up to this night I knew he had a drug problem and I could clearly see that he was wired on something when he came home. He cried to me about how he had met his brother downtown and that one thing led to another and they got into a heated argument. Dontrell never disclosed complete details with me about what took place exactly, just that he got enraged and ended up shooting and killing his brother Kade. At that point I tried to reason with him and get him to turn himself in but he became violent, so I ran as far away as I could. He didn't know it but I was three months pregnant at the time and he had gotten me so addicted to drugs that I wasn't in the right frame of mind to say anything. I birthed my baby, signed parental rights over to my cousin and then went about my life. I left Dontrell and everything of my past life behind, including the things that he'd confessed to me that night."

"Miss Parker, why did you not go to the police that night?"

Genesis looked to her lawyer who nodded to her. "With all due respect sir, I felt I had no choice, and my better judgement was clouded by how hooked on drugs I was at the time. Even with being pregnant I still did drugs."

"Did Mr Jackson say anything about what he planned on doing afterwards?"

"No your honour, he did not."

"And what made you speak out a year ago, then now today? It seems like an awfully long time to hold everything in."

"I did what I had to do to protect myself and my child. Dontrell was violent at times and I knew that if I spoke I'd put my own safety and my unborn child's safety in jeopardy. Once I'd had my baby and moved on elsewhere, I just started fresh. Then I got clean off of all the drugs a little over a year ago and I needed to start righting my wrongs and that began with me confessing to Dontrell that I hadn't gotten an abortion like he wanted me to. In doing that I saw Miss Everly Ortiz and Mr August Alsina at the Jackson residence. Dontrell never introduced me to any of his family or anything like that, all he ever said was that he wanted to be with his brother Kade's girlfriend and that she was pregnant. It didn't take me long to see the resemblance between Everly's son and Dontrell - the child looks like the Jackson siblings. I heard about how she was received there and I knew I had to turn the tables around on Dontrell. He was sitting there judging Everly when he was the one at fault all along. He robbed her of a future husband and he robbed her son of his dad."

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