Chapter Twenty One

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"So you're really about to get out of there? You haven't even been there a full day Ever

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"So you're really about to get out of there? You haven't even been there a full day Ever."

I sighed and continued to finish getting myself dressed, being careful not to move too far away from my phone that was on speaker. "I'm not about to stay here in a house where I am not wanted. You should've seen the way his mom looked at me and she barely said three words."

"Think about everything she's had to deal with. That other girl obviously did damage so I'm genuinely not surprised the woman has a guard up. Just stick it out girl, if not for yourself then at least do it for my next little pumpkin pie."

"Okay do not call my baby pumpkin pie."

"Why not? It's cute." She replied. "Anyway, if you want to leave then just leave. Come to LA though, I want to see you. I'll even have Chris send his jet."

"Let me find out y'all have real feelings for each other."

"Aht, aht. That's none of your business. Call or text me your plans girl, love you, bye!"

And of course she hung up right after that. I know that there's something more serious going on with Rissa and Chris. They're together what seems like all the time now, he buys her gifts literally every week and she's not always in Los Angeles opposed to being in New York. Plus the way she talks about him and the look she always has in her eyes says it all. My girl is crushing hard on the King of R&B. 

I tucked my phone into my pocket and walked back out into the bedroom from the connecting bathroom. Thankfully Loyal was still occupied with watching Paw Patrol. 

"Bubba, are you hungry?"

"Yes mommy."

I walked over and carefully lifted him into my arms, being cautious of my stomach. "Come on then. Let's go on a little adventure."

I know the main part of town isn't too far away from here and a little walk won't do us any harm. Plus there's a little diner I spotted when we were on our way last night that I thought was cute, so I thought me and Loyal could try that for breakfast. Besides, I have to find a decent hotel for us to stay in.

I exited the room August had told me was mine last night and began making my way down the stairs. The smell of a full on breakfast being cooked invaded my senses and my mouth couldn't help but water. It smelt incredible and these intensified hormones were not helping at all. I was just about to open the front door when I smelt his cologne before gently being spun around to face the one and only August.

"Where are you going?" 

"I'm taking Loyal to get breakfast and then I'm going to find a hotel."

"Wait, please." He said with a hint of desperation. "I spoke to my mama last night. She was wrong, she knows that she was wrong and she wants to apologise to you. Can you please give her a chance Everly?"

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