Chapter Sixteen

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When I got back to my apartment Loyal and Aiden were asleep on the sofa together while Puppy Dog Pals played lowly on the TV

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When I got back to my apartment Loyal and Aiden were asleep on the sofa together while Puppy Dog Pals played lowly on the TV. I smiled at the sight but my smile soon dropped when I saw Tremaine sitting there on the other end of the sofa looking stressed out. Something had obviously happened while they were out because he wasn't like this when he was here earlier.

I kicked my shoes off, hung up my coat and put down my purse before walking over to where he sat and knelt down in front of him. He looked up at me with sadness in his eyes. I grabbed his hands and laced his fingers with mine. 

"Is everything okay baby? You look stressed." 

He glanced at the boys and sighed. "I have to talk to you about something and I'm not sure if you're going to like it."

"O-Okay..." I replied, unsure of where this conversation was about to go. 

"I'll go put the boys in Loyal's room, then we'll talk."

He leaned forward and kissed my nose before he motioned for me to stand up; which I did. He carefully picked up Aiden and Loyal and carried them off to the room. I took that time to get myself comfortable on the sofa. A few minutes later my man joined me, still looking stressed, sad and...nervous.

"When I was out with the boys today I got a phone call.." He paused and fiddled around with the sparkling chains that hung around his neck. "Back in Virginia, before I met you, I was in a relationship with someone."

That surprised me. That hadn't been in the media at all - this had to be something extremely private.

"You were?"

He nodded. "Yeah. She doesn't like the spotlight, so we kept things undercover which was a lot harder than I'd anticipated. Anyway she called me earlier and..there's really no easy way to say this..she..she told me that she's five months pregnant with my baby."

There was silence as I processed that information. I can't be mad at him for having a child with someone else that was around before me. He didn't know about it until today otherwise I'm sure he would've told me when we first got together and were getting to know each other. I'll admit I'm a little worried as to what this could mean for us but I don't exactly want to let that show right now. 

"Baby say something, please."

I finally looked at him. "Are you going back to her?"

Why the hell was that the first thing that I said? Help me somebody.

He moved closer and pulled me onto his lap. "No and I don't plan to either. I'm with you now and as much as I enjoyed her company, we weren't made for each other in a romantic sense. She's a better friend than anything else and we both agreed on that."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Well I plan on flying to Virginia tomorrow. Since she's already five months along there's a paternity test that can be done, although I don't doubt the child is mine because she's not the type of person to be grimy like that and back then we were together."

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