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She was sitting on a chair in her bedroom watching her fingers as Angel was searching for some clothes. He was talking but she couldn't figure out what he was saying.

Her mind was traveling far away. The truth is, this was happening many times a day but she didn't know how to escape from it.

All she was thinking was that terrible day and how she wanted to run away again. But she can't do that now, or ever.

She didn't want to be a coward any more.

"Do you hear me?" He asked and then she looked at him. He sighed and rubbed his face. "You need to change or you catch a flu"

"Mhm" she agreed but didn't move.

"Gabriela please..." He realised he was wasting his time trying to convince her. "Okay" he took her by the hand and made ger to stand up. "Do you want me to help you? Do you trust me enough to let me do that?"

She nod and that was all he need it. He took piece by piece every cloth and replace it with clean ones. He tried to not make her uncomfortable and not look for a long time her naked body, but he couldn't ignore her scares that where remain on her skin to remind her what happened that day.

Now he understand why he found her like that. She tried to pretend that she was okay all this time but in reality she was fighting to get through this, battling with her memories, trying to survive day by day.

He felt his heart hurting knowing that, and he swear to himself that he would try to do everything to help her.

"Let's go downstairs and have something warm to drink" once again he took her hand. "Did you ate anything? Are you hungry?" She didn't answer. "Okay I'll made you my specialty soup. You're going to love it"

Few minutes past and they already were sitting on the table, with her eating and him wondering what he could to to make her forget.



"Would you like to talk about it?"

She looked him again with those big eyes of hers, taking a long time in silence before she speaks again.

"N-Not really" Gabriela stood up and went to the fridge, she grabbed a beer and then thought about it, and the one became two. "Here" she placed one next to Angel.

"What are you doing? It's not even 5 o'clock? If you start drinking now what will you tell Hector?"

"Hector is with your father. I asked him if he could keep him for a few days so they'll bond"

"What? When did that happened?"

"Early morning" she murmured.

"That's new...Anyway that still doesn't mean you can drink from so soon. You'll get sick"

"Look how's speaking"

"Don't compare yourself to me. I'm a drunk ass punk and besides I never start drinking this early"

"Who you're trying to lie to? I know you better than that"

"False. You knew me. That boy ain't me anymore"

She then realise how right he was. How dare she to return back after those years expecting him to be the same? How dare she return back here? She shake her head. Those thoughts were wrong. She's not alone here. That's why.

"I'm better than this asshole back then. I promise. And if you let me I can show you and Hector what I mean"

"I know that you are. Is just that..." Her thoughts stopped her again. Is she getting depressed? No, not really. She's just afraid. Afraid of everything. But she knows this is temporary. "You know as long as Hector is staying with your father is a good time to get to know him and spend as much time as you have with him. He would be very happy"

"I want to spend some time with you too." He said bold. He wanted to help her move on.

"I'm okay. Now Hector is above all. So if yob really want to help me, try to be a good father for him"

Once again she stood up, taking her plate full of soup with her and leaving it in the sink.

"You didn't like it? You want me-" he started asking but she denied it.

"It's fine. I'm just full" she grabbed his face and placed a soft kiss on his chick. "Thank you. For everything. I'm just going to lay down for a while. I feel tired. Feel free to stay as long as you want if you don't mind my mood"

"Gabs. Lets go for a ride mhm? With my bike. Promise you love it. It'll make you feel free and..."

"Maybe next time. Yeah?"

"When this will be?"

"Maybe tomorrow would be a better day"

He sigh and sake his head. She was so fucking stubborn and so so quite and down that made him worry even more. One week ago she wanted to kill him and now she was like a lost puppy in a cold weather.

"Go rest for a while. I will come before the night falls. And we will take that ride weather you like it or not. Don't try to avoid me. Because you really gonna waste your time Princess"

Angel kissed her forehead and then placed his on hers. His hands was holding herr face like she was the most vulnerable thing in the world.

"You're not alone and you are stronger than you think you are. You need to remember that"

Fill the void || Angel Reyes "Mayans mc"Where stories live. Discover now