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She had a long talk with Hector, buy eventually he understood what she was trying to tell him a d didn't asked more. He knew his mother would never left him behind If it wasn't important and he knew she would only do that for his own safety. After all, he was a smart kid.

She couldn't thank God more, for the gift he gave her, a son so kind and generous. For a kid that grew up with one parent it's very strange to be so kind.

She was looking at him from the door while he was sleeping. They're still in Miguel's house, but they need to go. She needs to go.

She needs to be at her house, where she could find peace and a long time alone to think.

Gabriela still forbidden to herself to go back to that day. She refused to relive again that moment as she is scared of the feelings she would have after that. Everytime she close her eyes she could feel the kicks on her stomach and the bunches on her face. It's like she's living it all over again. That why she need time alone, so she could proceed all that and let them in the past.

She didn't felt Miguel coming next to her, only when he touched her on the shoulder and she got scared and tried to fight back.

"Hey, hey, it's me!" He called and pulled her in a tight inside his arm. "Baby it's me"

She sighed and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry"

"You okay?" He asked curious with a raising eyebrow.

"I'm fine" she faked a smile and gave him a kiss in the corner of his lips. "I'm just tired"

"Let's go to sleep then"

"We need to talk"

"We can talk to bed too, you know?" He joked and she laughed, but her laugh eventually died, maybe too soon.

Miguel knew she wasn't okay. He knew her better than that, and he knew that if she not get it out, sooner or later it will it her alive. But he also knows she's one of those persons who prefers to hold everything inside until they come out and crushed her.

He wanted to help her so bad, but everytime he's trying she's pushing him away.

They get under the sheets and they faced eachother. Gabriela took Miguel's hand in hers and looked him. She took a breathe and try to find the right words.

"I know" he said like he was reading her mind. "It's okay, I understand"

"What?" She asked looking at him.

"I know you want to go home" his finger touched her face slowly. "You don't have to worry about how I would feel with this. Just don't push me away. I want to be here for you, i just want the best for you, you know that, don't you?"

"I know" she kissed his hand with her eyes closed.

To most people Miguel look like a powerful man without a heart, unable to feel anything. Most people call him the devil, but they can't see what's underneath this mask. He's kind, and he'll do anything for the people he cares.

"I just need some time alone and with my son. I lost so much days with him, and i want him to be sure that I would never leave him"

"He already know that. He's a smart kid"

"I know. I just... I need some time?" She got closer to him, her hands hag his waist and she hide her face in his chest. "I want push you away, i just have so much to thing about"

"You need to clear your head. And most important you need to look here" his hand rest on her chest. "I won't be mad or anything, I know were your heart really belongs. I won't get in your way either. The only thing i want is for you to be sure for whatever choices you'll take. I want you to be sure for this and I want this to be the right thing. I want you to be happy even if that's not with me"

Gabriela was listening to him all this time and still couldn't believe how understandable and kind he is. She could feel her heart ache for the decision she had made, but she knew she made the right choice even if that means staying alone forever.

"Thank you. For everything you have done with me and my son. I'll never forget it and i will always be grateful to you"

"You know I care for you. You don't have to thank me"

"Indeed I do" she leaned closer to him and gave him a last kiss on the lips. He could feel her tears in his mouth.

"Don't cry love" he whispered to her. "It's time to do something for you after all this years"


Angel didn't heard from Gabriela since the day he dropped her at Miguel's, although he wouldn't call her either or ask someone else to do it for him. Some night he would drive by her house to see if she was there, but the light were close, as all the stores from the windows too, so he guessed she was staying with the man he despise so much.

"So, how are you?" Coco asked his friend as he walked by him.

"I'm good" Angel answered and put another cigarette between his lips. He thinks for a moment and decide to tell his friend what was bothering him. "I'm just worried. She didn't call or anything, and I know I don't deserve it. I'm just wondering how she's doing"

"She's fine" he assure him. "She's coming home today. I mean at her house"

"How do you know?"

"I talked to her yesterday. I'm not scared to call her you know?"

"Yeah, you would if you were in my place. Anyway, what time she will be here?"

Coco looked down at his phone quite. He was thinking if he should tell him or no, maybe he shouldn't and torture his friend. He smiled as this idea crossed his mind but he decided against it.

"Maybe she is here already" he mumbled and walked back to the club. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes. Thank you" Angel answered and run to his bike.

His first thought was to drive by Gabriela's house, but as he was driving he find himself going to the opposite road. He need a quite drive alone, to think and to calm inside. So he went to the dey mountains where you could see the town and how little it looks from here.

He laid on the bike and place a cigarette between his lips and as he was smoking this fast he placed another one as soon as the first one was finished.

His kind travel to her. It was bringing back memories from the past when they were just kids. And then he remembered the time when she left and left him behind and how he felt. And at the end he thought the time when she returned and now.

He loved her all along. He just wouldn't admitted to himself all this time. He was trying to convince him that he lived her as the girl next door, his best friend, his little sister. But she was none of this. She was a woman with a beautiful smile, with eyes that could set you on fire and a body that could get you on your knees.

Was he too late tho?

Will she forgive him? Does she loves him back?

And their son? Will he accept him?

He needs to go there and find out.

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