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They were sitting outside. Some of them was sitting on chairs, others on the bench and some just standing hearing closely Alvarez speaking.

Gabriela was staying quite, with Jax and Filip beside her. Her anxiety was getting the best of her, her leg trampling as she couldn't make it stop.

"So..." Marcus start. "One year after Gabriela left Sando Padre she moved in a small town to California with her mother, with her son already been born. One night as I was driving back from Charming i had a call from her mother, telling me the past was following her. Maybe you don't know that but her husband, Gabriela's father used to help the MC a lot" he took a deep breath. "So when he got older he stopped and it was making sance, the years didn't treat him right, he couldn't be the man he was anymore, that why he left behind everything and tried to leave peaceful. But the past followed him even after death, so this burden fell on his family. He made some mistakes and a lot of people couldn't forget it, so they needed revenge. They found out where his family went and followed them, they were looking from away, waiting for the right moment to break into their house"

Jax crossed his arm over Gabriela's shoulders and pulled her closer to his body, wanting to protect her.

"And they did, God they did. Miss Lopez was in the kitchen, they found her first, put a bullet in her body without hesitation. Gabriela heard it and hide away her son before she take the gun and go downstairs to kill both of the men not thinking what will happen to herself if she didn't made it. They thought she wasn't home, but they thought wrong. Her mother survived from the bullet as it hit her on the shoulder so she called me and told me they needed my help"

The Mayans were looking Gabriela, each one of them felt different from what they heard.  They were family, Bishop and Taza knew Gabriela since the day she was born, and when she became a woman and Angel get into the club she was already his best friend. So the scrap yard became her second home. Always their to help them, to cook for them, to treat their woods.

"I went there, but I called for some back ups. Sons came for help the instant moment. We hide the bodies away , clear the house from every evidence and help them to get better. After that they needed a new home, they needed protection. With what Gabriela did, because of her father's sins, she was a target. I ask a favor from our brothers. They moved to Charming twon, changing names, you might heard her with the name Olivia Jones"

Bishop looked his crew realising what Marcus said. "This name was..."

"Yes. That was the name. The name I mentios the night we went to kill those bastards"

"Why you didn't tell us it was her? All this time she was under our nose, why?" Angel took a step in front. For eight years he never stopped looking for her, secretly of course, and all this time he knew where she was. "WHY?" He screamed and Coco went near him, holding him back.

"Because it was a risk! We didn't know if we killed them all, there might be more, we had to make sure  everyone was out for good. She didn't want to bring herself to you and make you the next target. And Sons was the best cover. They would never thought that she would go to a gang that them and Mayans were in war"

"But we didn't"

"Yes, because we keep it a secret for long enough"

"And after that why you didn't returned?" Angel looked broken now.

"Because..." She took a deep breath and looked over Alvarez, he nod his head in insurance. "Because coming back, was hard. I didn't know what to say to you, I wasn't ready. I killed two men that night. I became what i swear i never be. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror, so how am I supposed to look at you guys? After what happened I left from Charming town after five years. I stayed their until the road for me and my family would be safe. Sons became a part of me because i was with them all the time, under their protection because I was scared to go anywhere alone, even when you killed those man. I still couldn't move on. I was scared they'll come and kill my son. That's the connection between me and them"

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