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After a good meal at the table next to the fire that warm their bodies and a long game with the kids, they went to the leaving room. Hector and Kristobal fell asleep on the ground in front of the fire so Gabriela and Miguel left them there only put them some blankets.

"So, wheres Emily? Is she working until now?"

She couldn't not notice the sad smile he put on his face after her question. Something in her heart told her that she shouldn't said anything,that something wasn't right.

"Didn't heard?"


"Emily was a good wife but she was more a good mother. Too good I would say. So when our son was kidnapped she gave her life to find him, like literally. She went alone, and when i found out, i was there too late"

"Miguel..." She was speachless. She didn't know what to tell him or how she could comfort him. "I'm so sorry" then whispered and hugged him.

"Its okay" he smiled and hugged her back. "I've made peace with it. It was a long time ago and i know she would like me to move on and be happy"

"Oh yes" she agreed with him. "I know its hard and all but you learn how to live with it"

"Yeah" he murmured while holding her hand. "So.... I've wanted to ask you..." He continued whispering as his fingers touch her cheek. "Would you like to go out with me sometime?" His eyes met hers impatiently for her answer.

"Yes of course Miguel, you know that already-"

"No" he stopped her. "I mean like a date. You and me, dinner, somewhere romantic" you could she he was getting anxious.

"Oh...". She never thought getting on a date with Miguel. He was always felt like a big brother for her,always there to protect her, to keep an eye on her, to be there for her when no one else was.

But that was a long time ago. He was a good friend and he was the only man who treat her right besides Coco. It wouldn't hurt to go out one time with him, right?

Actually it seems right. He can understand her and he would never judge her for any mistake she might make.

"So? I'm still waiting for an answer"

Miguel smiled awkwardly and bite his lip.

"The truth is..." She start and blushed. "I would like that"

This time his smile was bigger that before. His hands touched her face and pulled closer to him as his lips kissed her forehead. "Perfect". Then hugged her and took a deep breath. "Its getting late, let me take you home"

"I have a car you know... And I'm pretty sure i know how to drive"

"Yes, but it's late and its dark outside and dangerous and you have your son with you, so let me drive you there and Nestor will bring your car. Please don't let me worried about that too"

"You're amazing" she wispered desperate more to make fun of him but he took it as a compliment.

"Oh i hear that a lot sweatie"

"Oh my Gosh" she laughed and rolled her eyes. "Unbelievable" Gabriel now looked defenceless and went to take her son. "Lets go then".

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