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The only thing Gabriela was thinking all day was Coco's invitation. Her mind was bringing back memories of the clubhouse and the crew. She was getting along with the boys and they seemed to have respect for her. Yes they were teasing her a lot but that's how they are, and she didn't mind because she knew the true feelings they have for her.

She wasn't like the other girls and she didn't hitting to anyone and they didn't do it either. She helped them a lot with some business as also she helped Angel with his secret business with Los Olvidados. And she never betrayed anyone.

She misses that, having fun with her friends, well, not so much friends right now but she's getting there. Coco seemed like he was forgiving her and she liked that. Who she was kidding. She felt relief with that because she don't know what else to do.

But the story she had with Angel and all the things she have to get through, making her decision to go there a little bit harder.

The clock on the wall showed it was 10 at night, Coco's sister came by her place three hours ago to pick up Hector for the night so she can go out. She felt guilty leaving her son for the first time after all this years but he looked to like Leticia a lot and that made her happy.

Gabriella went to her room and picked up her outfit, she might go after all. She dressed up with a black high waist jeans and a white tank top making her curves show off. She took her black leather jacket and returned to the kitchen, opened the fridge and crap a beer only to chugs it in one long gulp.

She just wanted to make the thoughts stop.

After 20 minutes drive she finally get to the gates of the club, she parked her car outside and took a deep breath. She was nervous about the people inside and how they going to welcome her. With missing greetings or hatefull and judgements looks on their eyes.

"Just breathe Gab. It's not like the end of the world. You know these people. You know they would never hate you"

But she still couldn't reach the cab handle and get off the car. She freezed on her shit trying to calm her heart from beating too fast.

"Johnny" she wispered like someone might hear her. "I'm outside the club. Please come and get me. I can't do this by myself"

"Okay, be there in a minute" he said and hang up.

Gabriella exchange a breath that she didn't realised she was holding. A knock on her car window make her scream and then laugh as saw Coco.

"Man, you took five years of me"

"Okay Princess, come out. No ones going to bite you" Johnny calmed her and gave her a hug. "Besides...everyone knows you're coming and they're happy to see you"

"They are?" She wondered. "Why?"

Coco looked her confused and then smiled. "You're family. Always" he kissed her forehead and wrapped his hand over her shoulders. "Now let's go say hi to some people. We have other guests too"


"Yeah, some of the Reapers are here and other club's that we have business with them"


"We have a party"

As they walking her eyes only was looking for one person, but they couldn't find him.

The Mayans was sitting on a table and talking with some laughs sometimes but while they were coming closer to them everybody stop and look at them.

Gabriella turned her head to the left and her eyes rest on Chip's from SAMCRO he gave her a nod and gave back a small smile.

Bishop saw that and wondered if they knew eachother, because they seemed like it. But tonight wasn't the time to ask what's going on.

"Gabriella" Riz was the first one who spoked and stood up to give her a hug. "Long time no see"

"Hey Riz..."

"Look at you..." Bishop said and pulled her in a tight hug. "We missed you kid"

The good news was everyone treat her like she never left. The bad news on the other hand was Angel wasn't here. Even if they fought that day and she was very mad on him, she still hoping to see him tonight.

"And you have a kid yeah?"

At the mention of her son her head turned to the person who talked. Angel was standing their with his hands crossed in front of his chest looking at her waiting for an answer with a fake smile on his face.

"You already know" she snapped back.


Everybody was looking at them waiting for the fires to start. They knew their past and they knew how mad and stubborn Angel was, especially with her. He wasn't going to forgive her so easily.

"Stop" Gabriella said. "Tonight is not the night"

"You're in my place, you can't tell me what to do" Coco was giving him a look that said "if you keep talking like that i might just fucking kill you tonight". Angel took a deep breath and relax. "Ok, sorry for my attitude...." Now she feel calming down until he speaks again and ruin everything. "...but it's all you gonna have". He sat down next to a girl that was all over him and drink his beer silent for the rest of the night.

"Okay now" Tranq said and gave her a beer. "You need to have fun tonight. And you have to tell us so much, so come and sit and fill us in"

"Thank you" she murmured and did as he said with Angel giving her a last mad look.

*What to you thing will happen to the next chapters. Tell me your ideas*

Fill the void || Angel Reyes "Mayans mc"Where stories live. Discover now