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(about the storyline. Some things with SONS didn't happened like the series,this also goes for Mayans. You will see what i mean. Hope you like it tho)

The night wasn't to end soon, not even close, "We just started"  was Gilly's words. So she needed more alcohol in her system, not just beers but something stronger.

If she goes inside and ask for the girl that works behind the bar she knew she wasn't allowed to give her anything, besides water and juice.

Oh yes, the Mayans made it clear to everyone "Gabriela you're done drinking. And if anybody here gives her something, he's gonna have to deal with me"  President said and everybody of course listen.

So she needed to go to the plan B. They might forbidden her to drink more but they forget she used to live here to and she knew where the good stuff was hidden. In the back from the yard there was a wooden little house and and inside of it there was tones of bottles with vodka and whiskey.

Gabriela knew she was acting immature. This wasn't something a responsible woman and mother do. But for the first time after eight years she needed to loose.

"Hey kiddo" an Irish voice woke her up from her numb thoughts.

"Jesus Christ Filip" she almost dropped the bottle from her hands.

"Sorry Princess" he wispered and sat next to her giving her a kiss on the chick.

"What you doing? We supposed to not know each other. If anybody sees us..."

"Relax" he grab the bottle and drink a little bit of the vodka. "Everybody is preoccupied. I didn't expect you to see you here. Damn, i didnt expect you to be back in Sando Padre"

"Yeah I know. Is just...You know..." She didn't know how to tell him although maybe he already knew. "My mom died and i didn't have anywhere else to go. Here I have a house that I don't have to pay for. And Hector deserves a good life"

"Im sorry" he tells her and gave her back the alcohol. "But you had where to go" Chibs continues. "You should have came back in Charming"

The brunette smiled and shake her head. "You know I couldn't" she wispered.

"I told you, to you and your mother too...if you ever needed anything you call me. The offer is still on the table. No matter what. No matter if we keep doing business with Mayans or no. You're out of this"

"They must not know...at least for now. He said he will tell them when the time comes"

"I know. You don't have to be afraid if the Reapers gonna speak"

"I'm not" said confidential and smiled. "But there's eyes everywhere here"

"Ok I'm leaving" he stood up and gave her another kiss only this it was on her forehead. "Be careful"

"Always. You too" her eyes on him as he was walking in the dark until he stopped and turned to look at her.

"Oh... and you should call him. He really needs a good friend right now. Call him and talked to him, you always seemed like you could put some logic inside his stubborn head"

When she left from Sando Padre eight years ago, she never thought she would end up in Charming. And she didn't, but some things happen then and she and her mother find themselves leaving there for almost six years.

Until the things got really fucked up and they had to leave again, looking for a new home.

So she hadn't spoke to anyone from Sons of Anarchy at least in two years. The bitter truth was she didn't wanted to, she just needed to disappear from all the crews, from the bikers, either those were the Mayans or the Sons.

Maybe to someone's eyes she looked weak and a women who always runs away when the things getting serious. But she couldn't risk her son's life.

She gave o vow that no matter what happen she will always protect him. Even if that means leaving behind people that she cares about.

All that follows those clubs were death and broken hearts, and she felt that before and she was scared back then to feel it again. So she left and disappear from everyone.

Even if after two peaceful years she had come back home. She was left alone and they were going to kick her put of the house. When her mom died she stopped working because of Hector, she couldn't leave him alone to this hard time. So the money wasn't enough to pay the house every month and have food under their roof.

Therefore one day she packed everything, said goodbye to the little friends she had and hit the road again. With her inner self leading her back to her Hometown.

Back to where everything started. To her whole life. To her friends that used to be her second family. To the places she grew up and fell in love for the first time. In Sando Padre where something broke back then but gave her something everyone would wished for.

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