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"Hector come on baby we need to go" she said from the kitchen waiting for her son to get ready.

"I'm coming" he screamed and she heard his little feed running. "I'm here" he smiled.

"That's my boy"

"Where are we going?"

"To buy some stuff for the house" she answered and held his hand as they went out of the house.

"Can I have ice cream?"

"Of course you can, it's summer after all"

"Yay!!" he react lifting his hand to the air.

She parked the car close to the supermarket and went inside with her son by he side. They bought everything they need and some toys for Hector. After that they just walked to the square until they got tired and decide to sit in a little cafeteria.

Hector was drawing some little house with himself outside holding his mom hand. He never draw his dad, because he never met him but he doesn't mind anymore.

That made her sad. He should know his father lives here and he should know who he is because they both need each other.

But after what happened yesterday she doesn't trust Angel. He was mean to her and his last words stuck up in her head. She knows that he won't treat their son like that, but still she was scared. She was to protective with Hector because he's everything she has, and she would die if she lose him.

Gabriela sighed and looked to the other side. Her gaze fell on a man that was looking her with curiosity. When their eyes raised he raised his eyebrow and smirked. She smiled and got up from her sit as he walked to her.

"Gabbie?" he asked to make sure it was her.

"Oh my God! Miguel" her smile went bigger as she opened her arms to hug him.

"Hey" he whispered to her ear and tight her.

"When did you came?"

She and Miguel kind of grew up together. They went to the same school and they were good friends. Maybe they won't hung out as much as she used to with Angel and Coco but still when they went out once in a while, it was like always be together.

Miguel was the only one who never judged her for leaving and not come back for so many years, he just missed her and all he cared about was that she is here now. And she appreciated that. She needed someone who would just be there for her.

"Not many days before" simple said and took a step aside to show him someone special.

His eyes went bigger, looking the little kid and then back her, and the dog g the same thing for a little while.

"You have a kid?" he gasped.

"Don't look so surprised. You have a kid too" reminded him.

"Yeah, I do.  But..."

"There's no buts. This is my son, I think it's only one year younger than yours. How's Emily and Cristobal, fool?" she was quick to change the subject.

"You can come tonight at my place and see by yourself. You can bring your son too, he will be a good company for Cristobal" he answered and touch her arm.

"Yeah,for my son too. He needs a friend right now" she answered and smile.

"You need a friend too. I know you have the others but i kind of feel like its not like the old times"

"It's not. They're mad and its okay i understand"

"I know. Im waiting for you ok? We have much to talk about"

"Will I see your wife too?"

"Like I said, we have so much to talk about" he tell her again and kiss her forehead. "I got to go, I have some business to do"

"Ok, see you tonight"


After some shopping and some things she had to do for the house she went back to it to get ready for the night.

She and Miguel used to be good friends and she always loved to hang out with him even if he was "high class" and back in the days when they were younger they used to think he was a bad person. He may had made some bad choices but who doesn't after all.

For Gabriela he was a good person, he helped her in times and he always treated her right. Even her mother used to tell her his not good and she should stop talking to her, but when she got to know him and see how was beside her daughter she loved him. After that, she always told her that this man is the one who deserves her and not Angel.

Gabriela laughed in that memory of her mother trying to convince her that she should go on a date with Miguel.

She wore a white floral dress with converse making her look younger thatn she is but she liked it. Then she grabbed her bag and called Hector so they can leave.

When they reached the house she realised how big it was like a football field, she saw many bodyguard and it was sense, Miguel was a powerful man and many bad people probably would want to kill him.

"Hey" she said when he opened the door.

"Welcome Gabbie" he answered and kissed her lips.

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