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Her head was hurting so much that she would rather die. As she is getting ready she made a promise to never drink like that again but deep inside she knew this would happen again.

It was ten in the morning, too early for the shits that happened yesterday, but she needed to go get her son. So she took some pills for the pain and headed for Coco's house.

All this 10 minutes untile she's get there she was thinking about Chibs words. Sooner or later the club in Charming would know about her, so she has to make that call.

Gabriela didn't want another mad person in her life. The list was already full.

"Why am I like this?" Wispered to her self and hit the bell.

"Morning Gab" Coco said as opened the door. "Dude if i knew your son was so energetic this early in the morning I'd never agreed to this shit"

She laughed and hit him in the head. "Mouth, around my son stupid"

"Oh now you're allow to say bad words"

"Of course, I'm his mother"

"Wait for him to meet his father"

As soon as he spoke those word she stop and turned to look at him. "What you mean?" She scared he might did something that she wasn't ready.

"Nothing. I'm just saying that you need to fix this. Before it's too late"

She turned to talk to him but she heard her son running to her. "Mommy!!" He fell on her hug and start to tell her about his day yesterday and how much fun he had. She listened quite feeling her heart getting warm with his happiness.

"So much energy" she mouth to Coco.

"See what I'm talking about?"

The bell rang one more time  but she didn't gave attention until she heard him speaking. She rushes to get up and as he was walking in the kitchen Letty was leaving the house saying her goodbyes to them.

"Oh good you're here" Angel wispered bothered.

"Don't worry" she smiled ironical "We're leaving. Hector come"

"One moment mom!" He screamed.

"Coco tell your sister thank you again"

Angel almost choked himself with the water he was drinking. "Man, you didn't told her yet?"

"Tell me what?"

Coco tried to speak but Angel was faster.

"Letty isn't his sister, she is his daughter"

"WHAT?" Gabriela screamed. "When? What? How?"

"Don't look so surprised"

She knew Letty since she was a baby and Johnny told them she was her sister not his daughter. So this was a big socked to her.


"You know how this goes. You have a kid..."

"I don't mean that, stupid" she said to Angel.

"Ok, chill" he laughed and opened the fridge.

"Okay, wait for me to get ready and we can all go together"

"So..." Angel start talking. "I would like to talk to you. If you have time tomorrow night that would be awesome"

"I can't" she rushed. "I have a date"

"With who?" Now she had all his attention. "You just came back, how you can have already a date?"

"Like I would tell you"

"Why not? You want to be friends right? This is a good start..."

"Mhm...very good" she wispered.


"Nothing, let me go get Hector. We really need to go"

Gabriela went back to the leaving room to get the 6 years old boy. She was scared that when Angel sees him, he will see how much they look alike and realize everything, before she get the chance to explain.

"Mommy, wanna go to the park?" Hector asked.

"First we gotta go home, take a bath and eat something. Then we can make whatever you want"

"Awesome!" He cheers. "Who's this?". Kids and their curiosity, she thought.

"Okay, come here" she took his hand in hers and walked him near to Angel. "Hector this is an old friend of mine. Angel this is my son Hector"

"Hello young man" Angel says and down himself in his feet so he could be in the same height with the kid. "Nice to meet you" his eyes wonder in the boy's face, and something seemed very familiar but he couldn't say what. He didn't look like his mom but definitely looks like someone he knows, but didn't know who.

"Nice to meet you too. Are you have a bike too? Like uncle Johnny?"

"Oh yes. And mine is a lot better"

"Is it?" He asked with a big smile. "Can i see it? Mom can I?"

"Oh of course you can-"

"We really need to go-"

Gabriela and Angel said the same time. They look each other and she took a deep breath.

"Okay lets go" she start walking with Hector still in her side, giving the message that they were leaving, but when she reached the door she stopped. "Angel are you coming? Hector have some strange passion with bikes"

"Yes!" The boy screamed. "Come Angel!" He let his mom's hand and rushed to the biker. Angel lift him in his hug and start talk to him about bikes.

Gabriela felt her body froze, looking them exit the house. She liked the view. They really seemed getting along, and they just met. The connection between them was naturally like they knew each other all those years.

"They looking good, aren't they?" Coco said and make her look at him.


"I think it would make good to them to know the truth"

Angel don't usually like kids, and kids don't usually like him. Those things only happens to Coco. But Hector is different. Maybe it was because it's Gabbie's baby and she used to be like a family to him. He really couldn't tell. But the feelings was strange.

As they were sitting on the bike, and he explained to Hector how it works he realised he forgot his phone in the kitchen.

"Hector can you stay here for two minutes?"

"Okay" the boy said not really paint attention to him. He was excited with the bike so he was lost to this.

As he was walking inside he heard some of the the things Coco and Gabriela talked, he pulled the door more forceful than he intended to and looked them angrily.

"Know what?"

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