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The next day came, and it was a very hot day, causing Angel to wake up in all sweat, throwing away the sheets that covered his body.

After he left from Gabriela's yard last night, Coco came one hour after by his house filling him with all the information he didn't heard. And after that he got pretty drunk.

He took a quick shower and then dressed up. He grabbed his phone from the kitchen counter and saw a message from Gabriela.

"We need to talk. There's something you should know"

"Sorry. I can't deal with this today" he didn't answer back, just talked to himself.

Since he didn't have any call from Bishop or the rest of the gang, he decided to go to his father house. After a ten minute ride he was there.

"Hey pops"

"Angel?" Felipe said from the living room. It was surprise seeing him there, since Angel doesn't really showed up often.

"Yeah. I wanted to talked to you...I guess" he sat on the couch near to the window and took a deep breath. "If that's okay with you of course"

"Sure son. You always can talk to me"

"I know but we...we don't really get along and maybe that's my fault but I really need your advice"

"I'm here. What's going on?"

"So there's this girl-"

"Gabriela" Felipe said and a little smile took it's place on his face. His son looked confused. "I can see behind those walls you built in your heart"

"I didn't built anything. Anyway that's not what I'm trying to say. I just can't find a reason to forgive her"

"You love her. And she loves you. That's a very good reason mijo"

"Doesn't really comforting me. She still didn't told me why she left, yeah I know what happened all those years she wasn't hear, and she had a very hard life, but doesn't explain why she left in the first place" as he was talking his eyes was wondering around the house, until the rest on a photo where him and his brother were young, playing in a park.

He stood up from his sit and went there to grab it. "Pops, you have more of this?"

"Yeah, give me one moment" he disappeared in his room and came back with a box full of photos. "You missed the old times?"

"No" it was all he said as he was looking the photos. It was like his body was in fire as the temperature was getting high. His heart was racing and it seemed like it could break in one minute. "Fuck!"

"What?" His father said.

"Fuck me!" He said again and point to Felipe himself when he was just a young boy. "Doesn't it remind you of someone?"

"Yeah.. you!!"

"No I mean...Look closely" he looked the picture again, all his body was shaking because of the anger he felt. "That's fucking me! And that's how Gabriela's son look like! But it can't be real! Can be? It happened one night, those things... don't happen so easy, right? No, I'm just going crazy. But he looks like me, when i first met him it reminded me of someone but i couldn't tell who. Fuck!" He screamed.

"Relax. Just let me bring you water. You need to breath"

"Fuck water I need some answers. Can i have this?"

"Of course son"

"Thanks pop" Angel said and kissed him on the head before run out to his bike.

He stop on a red light, his feet on the street was getting up and down really fast as he couldn't relax. He tried to call Gabriela but she didn't picked up. So he tried again and again until his phone rang.

"Hello? Gabriela?"

"Do I sound like a fucking woman to you?" The voice from the other side said.

"Shit Jefe, I just-"

"I don't care! Just take your ass here"

"Can you do this without me today?"

"I didn't asked you Angel. Come here! We have business to do!"

"Jesus boss. I'm coming" at least he tried.


Gabriela hug one more time Letty thanking her for agreeing to look after Hector one more time. Her date with Miguel was today, so she needed to get ready. They would go to a restaurant to eat, and she knows that Miguel prefer the expensive ones, so she knows she has to look at least fancy.

"Not worries" the young girl said. "I told you anytime. I love this little man"

"He loves you too. He never shut up when I tell him about you. I think you stole his heart" she looked hurt but after that they looked eachother and laughed.

"So Miguel, huh?" The girl said and sat on the bed.

"Yes. He asked me out. I know him almost my whole life and maybe to you is a bad person, but everybody is, right?"

"I never said that. He is just intimidte. I'm scared of him sometimes"

Gabriela chuckled. "I would say he just has strong personality. Not taking a no for an answer"

"Man, exactly my words"

"I meant with his business. Out of it he's a soft man" the older girl rolled her eyes. "So, do you like someone?"

"Nah, just focusing at school and my relationship with Coco"

"When did you find out?"

"Hmm...about seven months ago?"

"Coco's the best. I always said he will be a good father"

"With me, he has three kids. Not really talks to my brothers. I don't even know them. He doesn't know where are they"

"It's okay. He made his choices. And since he wants to fix things with you, I'll tell you to not be harsh on him"

"I'm not. I know him my whole life, as my brother of course, but it's good to know that at least I have a father"

"That's good. He will protect you with his life"

"I know, i love him no matter what"

"Good" she said and turned around. "How do I look?"

"Man, like you can kill a man with your appearance only"

"Thank you kiddo" she said and grabbed her purse. "If someone asked for me, just tell them I went out, don't know where or with who"

"You think they'll be mad if they find out you're going with Miguel?" Letty screamed behind her and followed her down stairs.

"I think they have a lot to think right now. They don't need to think about this too"

"You're right. Coco was very intense yesterday when he came back from wherever he was"

Gabriela didn't said anything, just kissed Letty's cheek, and giving her a hug. "Thank you kiddo, again. What ever you need call me. What ever you need, don't hesitate. Make yourself feel like home"

"Have fun!" The girl scream behind. "Be careful!"

*So...i guess...its happening*

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