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"Go up and change until I make the dinner, baby". Gabriela told Hector and kissed his head before she walked to the kitchen.

She start to search on the fridge what she had to make when a knock on the door made her scream, not to loud for her son to hear her though. She felt her heart beat faster. A knife was on the table and she grabbed it. What if they came to take a revenge one more time? She knew that this time she wouldn't survive.

She walked slowly to the door when another knock made her shake. "Who...who is it?"

"Its me. Angel" the familiar voice speak from the other side of the door.

"Oh thank God" she realised a breathe she didn't realise she was holding. Gabriela opened the door a smiled to the man, that made him look her confused with a raised eyebrow.

"You okay?"

"Yes yes. I'm fine" she step aside and let him get inside. She didn't told anyone she is still afraid for her life. Even though they told her that this time no one would hurt her for sure, she still was waiting for someone to show up and kill her.

Angel turned to look at her and raised his hand as he wanted to touch her face, but when he realized what he was doing he let it fall again. "Uhm... it's the time okay? I want to talked to you"

"Yes. I was about to make dinner. You can stay and we can talk to Hector together...you know as family" she went quite for a while. "If this is okay with you of course. If it's not you can come by later when he will fall asleep and..."

Angel's hand touched her this time make her stop talking so fast. "Breathe... I don't mind. I would like to stay for dinner with you and our son"

Gabriela smiled and placed an ashtray on the table in front of him. "Do you want a beer?" She didn't wait for his answer as she gave him one.

She was too nervous, her moves was intense with his appearance here. She didn't expect him to come over, at least not today. Although it was good to not be here alone.

"How are you?" He asked her and went next to her to help her with the food. Not allowing her to take the heavy things. "Not only physically I mean"

"I'm fine Angel" she smiled and past by him as she left plates on the table. " Really. My shoulder it hurts sometimes, especially when I'm sleeping and turn over on this side, but it's okay. I'll be okay"

Gabriela wasn't sure if she was trying to convince him or herself. The truth is that she wasn't okay. Actually she was far from being okay, but she had to act like it, cause she had done enough to everyone.

She made everybody worrying about her and risk their lifes for her, and now it's time for them to stop worrying about her. They have more important things to do than have their minds if she's okay or not.

Eventually she will, like she always do. Maybe this time would be harder but she knows she can do it, if not for her, for Hector. Thank God he had Angel now in his life. She knows maybe he will be hard on him and judgemental but eventually he will be best friends with his father.

"Hello, Gabs?" she heard Angel's voice and turned to face him.

"I'm sorry I just was thinking..."


"Nothing important. Can you make me a favour?"

"Of course what is it?"

"Can you place the plates on the table and I'll go call Hector?"

"I can go and bring him" he offered.

"It's better if I go and prepare him" she said while she was already walking to the stares.

Fill the void || Angel Reyes "Mayans mc"Where stories live. Discover now