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"So that's what happened pretty much"  she whispered.

Coco was looking at her like she was a ghost. He's eyes was so wide open that seems like they would fall in any minute.

"You had sex with Angel?" he screamed.

"He never told you" it was a statement but she looked surprised. "Of course he didn't" then murmured more to her self.

"What happened then? Why you didn't told him? About the kid"

She smiled and walked to the stairs and sat down, her hand went through her face. "The next morning he told me that what happened was a mistake, and should never did that. He didn't want to change anything between us and he hoped we would remain friends"

Her eyes looked to the sky as she remembered that night and how he made her feel. She was devastated but she should be know better.

"That's why I stayed one month there to my mother's when I left. Because I was still broken and I needed more time, you know better. But then we went to the doctor and I found out I was pregnant. And I knew it was Angel's, as I knew I was a mistake. I wanted to tell him, you know? I called him after two days but he never picked up, and then the four next days and the same thing happened. So I thought you were busy with the club and all those shits. But he never returned my calls. Five months later when I knew I have a boy, I called him again and he finally picked up"

Tears filled her eyes and she looked away from her friend.

"What did he said?"  Coco sounded pissed because he knew her, and he knew his friend.

"He... He didn't let me speak. He told me he didn't want to hear again from me because as I forgot him, he would do the same thing. He was mad, and I deserved it, I was okay with his actions. I never blamed him and never will. I would probably do the same thing. As you did the same thing. I knew you where mad to me, and I wanted to talk to you. God knows how much I wanted. But I never found the courage to call you. I was ashamed"

"Gabbie... ". He went next to her and his hand touched hers. "Yes,  I was mad. And fuck yes I deserved an explanation. But I would never told you to not come back. I loved you then, and I love you now. You're like sister to me"

"I love you too Coco". The tears that she was holding so hard, now they were falling like a river. "I couldn't return back. He... He never would wanted me the way I did. I was a mistake he fucked one night. But my son... My son didn't deserved him. My son isn't a mistake. He's everything. He deserves to grow up with people who loves him. He deserves to be happy and feel loved!! I loved Angel, and I will always be thankful to him that he gave me the most beautiful gift in the world. I'll never regret that I kept him"

"I know baby girl" he whispered and huged her tight. "But you have to tell him. He is his son too. And even if you don't he will find out because you know... You have a little Angel back inside. He looks like him"

Gabriela laughed as he was right. Her son looked like Angel and sooner or later he will find out either of she wanted or not. But how she would tell him? What if he get more mad and take him away from her. After all he has the right to do it.

"I'm scared... "

" I know. But don't. He's gonna be mad, I'm not gonna lie to you, but eventually he'll understand and he will forgive you. Angel has a big heart believe it or not. He was crying like a baby when you left. He still misses you. Never stop wandering what you're doing"

"Angel crying like a baby?" she shook her head. "Seems like we're talking about two different people"

"He cares about you"


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