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Indeed the box was safer than riding a bike,  and truth was she felt more exciting with this.

It's been a month since Angel and she start doing this, and she felt stronger bot only physically but inside too.

She loved spending time with him but she would never admit that, not only to him but to herself too. She loved that almost every night Angel was at her place, trying to spend some time with Hector, and most of those nights he was falling asleep next to their son. She never complained, she loved the view.

The nightmares had stopped and after a long time she finall6 felt happy.

"Have you date yet?" A voice behind her made her jumb.

"Ez, hi" she said and shake her head. "Stop with this nonsense"

"But why?" He sat next to her and together they watched the club members prepare for some business. "I see the way you look my brother and I see they way he looks at you. So what stoping you?"

"It's not like that. I'll always care about Angel, you know that. I know him since forever, and he's the father of my son and-"

"And once you loved him so much that you have to leave this fucking place. So don't tell me that this love just fade away, because if it would, now you wouldn't be here"

"Okay" she sigh. "It's true, I still love him. But love isn't enough if only one person loves the other. I'm not 18 anymore, I know what's good for me and for my life. I'm not going to run after anyone, and for sure I'm not gonna wait for a man"

"Not just a man-'

"I'm not gonna tell him I love him Ezekiel. I had enough breaking my heart over a man"

"I'm just saying to give it a chance. Who knows maybe this time it works" he close one eye as Angel approach and he stood up and left.

"What was that?" Angel asked her as he took the place of his brother.

"Nothing" she smiled and grabbed the cigarette from his mouth.

"Hey!" He tried to take it back. "I told you to stop doing this. One day it will kill you"

"Look who's talking" she smiled. "So what's this about?"

"Nothing to worry" he looked away at his members and he knew that tonight it wouldn't be an easy night. He was stressing since this morning, he just wished everything eill go slow and as they planned it.

Gabriela knew he was lying but she didn't want to press it more, so her hand take his and when his eyes land on him she smiled.

"Just return safe, and when you done with all of this, come by the house and I will maake you eat your favourite, yeah?"

Maybe she told Ezekiel that she wouldn't give Angel the green light, and maybe she didn't realize it thaat she's doing it yet.

"Yeah?" A smirk was playing on his lips.

"Mhm" she nod and his hand grabbed the back of her head bringing her closer to him. He plaace a kiss on her forehead and smiled.


"Promise?" She asked scaring that maybe something terrible would happen tonight and he won't come by.

"I promise"

Gabriela watch him walking to his motorcycle and ride it, and felt a heavy burden on her chest.

She felt like indeed something terrible would happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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