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*A NOTE from me for you.  I read my previous chapters and I notice that i have so many word and letters wrong, so I'm sorry. I wright too fast sometimes and don't look what i wright, so many words are wrong. I'm sorry again and thank you for reading my book and support me to this*

It was a chill day for the Mayans this morning. Nothing seems to go wrong, and for ones their business going well. So they decide to have a BBQ day with friends and family.

After the night Angel visit Gabriela and then went to Adelida, he didn't contact with neither of them. Besides he regret what he did with the second one but the thing he most regrets its the one fighting with Cabbie. Although he didn't have the guts to go and say sorry to her.

He was trying to put everything in the right place inside his head, to connect all the dots. He convinced himself he wasn't scared, but truth is he didn't know what to do. Everything was so confused around him and inside him.

His life wasn't simple, not at all. He was in a crew where the shits are real. They were deep in guns business and drugs. They have killed before and if some situations requires to, they would do it again.

But he learnt how to deal with these things. He was in those, from a very young age. And he loves his club, the Mayans were his family.

He didn't know how to deal with women that he cared about. He was accepted a life that Gabriela was not inside after she left. And now that she's back, he didn't know how to react and what supposed to do. He felt like a child again that is going to learn the world now.

"Hey man" Ez appeared behind him and scared the shit out of him. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing man, just...women shit"

" Oh I learned"

"Learned what?"

"About Gabriela coming back. And she's a mother now. Seems like life was tough with her"

"Why? Cuz she got a kid?" He was kind of getting mad with his brother assuming that a kid only can bring roughness in someone's life.

"No dude. Yo' crazy?" Ez looked at him as he was crazy. And maybe he was. "Because...as i also learned she took care of him alone just with her mother, and now that she's dead she have to deal with all this situation all alone"

"And where the fuck did you learned all this things man?" Angel wondered and stood up from his father table.

"I just talked to her. See... sometimes you can talk to people without screaming and accusing them with everything"

"If you want to say something say it straight to my face, and not assuming bullshits"

"I'm not assuming anything. You just need to finally grow the hell up and be a man, not a boy that runs away from everything and try to accuse everyone else for his own shit!"

"You may be my brother but I will not hesitate to kill you if you continue thin nonsense!"

"Exactly my words Angel! So classic of you! Always solve the problems with fists and guns!"

"That's enough!" Their father came inside of nowhere. "Stop being mean to eachother, and stop fighting in my house! Ezekiel stop screaming to your brother about his choices and let him solve them like a big man he is"

"Oh now you too, pups?" Angel took a deep breath and sat back to his sit.

"You have to accept the fact that Ez is right here"

"Oh yeah, yeah" he put his hamlet and head off to the door. "Now goodbye, i have some shit to do" and as he was walking away he could feel their eyes and their smiles on his back.


Angel went to the club house, and as soon as he was there the Mayans went to the room for a meeting.

"Tomorrow we had a job to do" Bishop said. "You all need to be here. This is important"

"What kind of a job" Angel asked after taking out the smoke of his cigarette from his lungs.

"We gotta pick a package from the Reapers for protection"

"Who's protection?" Now was Coco's time to speak.

"Did i said is a person?" Bishop was gettin mad with all the questions. "You will know when it's time to know" he said and gave an end to this meeting. "Now go outside and get ready for the party we have people coming soon" and left the room.

As everybody stood up from their sit, Coco run to Angel and stooped him by putting his hand on his shoulder.

"What?" Angel asked.

"So, how you doing?"

Angel looked confused by his question. "What you mean bro?"

"Okay I'll go straight to you". They went to the bar and grab a beer bottle each. "What's going on with you and Gabbie"

"Nothing. Why?" He took out another cigarette and put it in his mouth. "Same shit"

"Man you need to talk to her"

"Why? Why do I need to talk to her? Why I need to do it, what's going on with all of you today?"

"I just want to see my two best friends getting along. Nothing's wrong"

"Its not easy"

"It is. You now know about the calls. Don't you need to know what happened then and she called you so many times?"

"How you know how many times she called?"

"I just know"

"Man you said you going straight to me, but this..." he paused and moved his hand between them pointing them. "It's not fucking straight all"

"Okay okay" he laughed. "Just want to tell you I invited her and she said she might come, so I want you to be calm and not make a scene"

"You invited her?" He screamed  and everybody around them turned and looked. "Why'd you do that?"

"Because she need to have some fun. And she hadn't had that for a very long time. So if not for her, just do that for me okay?"

Angel breathed heavy and shook his head desperate. He raised his bottle and clink it with his as he smiled not saying another word.

Today os going to be a long day, and he needs to be as drunk as he can to get through this.

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