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Angel turned to look over his brother after he called him but he didn't find him immediately, he called him one more time and then he walked over the voice. "What prospect?" He asked before he sees why he was calling him.

His body froze. The time stopped. Everything around him was like start disappearing and the only thing that was there was her.

He wanted to move but he couldn't. It was like he was lost in his mind and all the questions that start to appear there. Why she wasn't moving? Why there was so much blood? Why she doesn't open her eyes.

Jax was the first one who went next to his brother and try to help him to bring her back.

"Angel!" Ez yelled one more time to shake him out of his mind.

He run there and pushed the other two men away as he sat down taking the place of Ez. Jax was ready to react and fight with the guy but Filip went beside him and shook his head telling him that this wasn't a good idea right now.  It seems like everything in Jax life start to falling apart. And that made him wonder...how much more he cam handle before he start loosing his mind.

"Please Gab wake up" Angel whispered with tears now running down to his face. "You can't let me here. Not this time. You have to wake up okay? You're strong. I have so much to tell you.." he was keep talking as pressing his palms on her chest. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" he screamed and lean his head on her chest.

He was getting tired. Not physically but inside. He was getting weak seeing her like that, laying on the floor hoping for them to save her, but they came too late.

Angel don't usually pray, actually he never does after his mother died. But today is the day he was going to do it. He begged to God to bring her back, and make everything right again, and he promised he would try to be a better man to her and their son.

He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath as he was searching for life in her veins. And suddenly It was there, he could feel a weak heartbeat, but it was there.

"Oh my God" he said relieved and hugged her so tied that it might break her. His palm touched her cheek and his lips her forehead. "Please open your eyes Gab...or even move them just a little bit"

He heard from far away footsteps but he didn't gave much attention. Miguel entered the room and when he show Angel on the floor holding her, he couldn't ignore the fact that he got jealous of the view.

"What's going on?" He asked and pushed through people, he kneel next to them and reached for her hand. "She's weak. We need to go to the hospital"

"I know..." Angel whispered and he was about to stood up when he heard her voice.

"A...Angel?" She asked and tried to open her eyes. Maybe God gave her more minutes alive to let her make a question that was popping on her mind all this time.

"Gabriela thank God, we thought we lost you. I thought I lost you" he hide his face on her neck and closed his eyes. "Thank God... Try not to move" he said as she was start to panic.

She lost track of time and space. She didn't know were she was or why Angel was holding her with tears in his. She didn't know why there's so much people in this room and why she couldn't find her son. Her son. Is he okay? She asked but she realised that the words never came out of her mouth. She tried to speak but she felt her face numb.

"He...Hector?" Gabriela finally mumbled.

"He's okay. He's at Miguel's. He's safe. You're safe now too" he look at her and saw inside her eyes how tired she was, how broken she was and how lost she felt. "You'll be okay... I'm here. Everybody is here"

Jax kneeled down next to her and touched her face. "Hey love..." He said with a weak smile on his face. "You don't have to be scared anymore, okay? I've got you"

She shook her head. "I..." She coughed and blood came out her mouth. At this moment she felt like choking on her own blood, and there's nothing more scared than this. She tried to move but her body didn't followed. Tears felt from her eyes.

That's it.

The fate choose to take her away. This is how she dies. She would never see her son growing older, she would never get the chance to hug and play with him again. She would never see him falling in love and then out. And when he will be broken inside she is not going to be there to help him get through this.

"Fuck we need to go. NOW!" Miguel screamed and took her by Angel's arms. "We are going to the hospital, finished here and come after. Okay?"

"I'm coming right now" Angel said but Bishop didn't allowed him to leave. "What the fuck man?"

"We have to stay here and make sure everybody is dead so this" he pointed with his finger to the door where Miguel and Gabriela left. "Would not happen again!"

Angel hesitate for a moment buy his boss was right. This should not happen again and they have to made it sure.

Ezekiel was looking his brother all this time, and he realised that it's the first time Angel was showing so much emotions in front of people. He usually isn't weak or trying to play tuff, but all this situation kind of shake him and made him let out all his feelings.

"You okay brother?" He asked him by putting his hand on his shoulders.

"I will be when Gabriela wake up. And when we made sure those bastards are dead. For good"

"She'll be okay" he assured him. "She's a strong woman"

"I hope so" he murmured and start to look around.

Nestor was on the driver sit as Marcus was next to him. Miguel was behind with Gabriela with a tissue on his hand trying to clear the blood from her face.

He didn't like the view his was on front of ten minutes ago. Seeing her in Angels arms made him mad because that made him realise he was loving her too. As much as Gabriela was trying to move on in her life, he knew if he was around she would never stop have feelings for him. And now that he will in Hector's life Miguel was scared if these two start to showing their feelings.

But what feelings Miguel had for her? Does he love her? Sure, he knows her almost his whole life. He wanted her back in the high school but she never looked him the same way. And now he has this chance, and he didn't wanted to lose her. But was he in love with her? He didn't know about that. Besides is very soon and all that matters now is for her to come home.

"In two minutes we're their" Nestor called bringing him out of his daydreaming.

"Stay with me baby" he whispered even though he knew she couldn't hear him.

"Stay with me baby" he whispered even though he knew she couldn't hear him

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