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It was a rare thing to see all the gangs and the most powerful Cartel team up. It was a strange thing. But there were times like this that they put aside their differences and become one team.

Usually club members always put first the club and after all the others. But Gabriela was a family and they'll do anything for their family. And Galindo, don't really care about someone outside from his circle, he won't hesitate to kill someone who will get on his way. But this time they have to be careful. They have to be smart.

They were all gathered in one big room, hide under the ground. There was a big table in the middle with a map on it. They mark the places they were going to split. They just hope they were still in America and didn't crossed the borders to Mexico.

"So, is everybody ready?" Marcus asked.

"Yes" everyone said as putting on their bulletproof jackets and check their guns.

"I'm going with Mrs Galindo here" with his finger he pointed a red dot in the middle of the big circle he draw earlier. "Sons, you're going here he point the north side to Jax. "And you guys, are going west. Those three points are some big abandoned warehouses, we think they might have her somewhere here. Nestor tried to memorized the plates of the one of their cars, so we tracked down and we found it abandoned here" Marcus point one more time in between center and north. "And we find another car here" he pointed the other middle. "So we guess they might have her in those places somewhere"

"Okay, what happens when we do find them?" Angel asked.

"Kill them all, left one alive, probably their boss, he should be with them, or at least the one who has the upper hand. Torture him, break bones, whatever you want, but I want this bastard alive" Galindo said and rub his face. "I'll make him regret everything"

"But what happens if we don't find them?" Coco dared to speak from behind.

"We will. There's no option like this"

"Yes. But what if we won't?" He asked again more angry this time.

"We will!" Marcus yelled. "I promise you we will. They shouldn't be far from here. There's no much time for them to escape"

"We put an end in this madness this time. For good. We'll vanish them once and for all"

"I hope you're right" he mumbled and left outside.

"Let's fucking go" Angel said and but his gun behind his back under his kutte. He had more on him, and he was about to hide the big ones in his bike like everyone else.

Today, is going to be a hell day.


"Wakey wakey sunshine" someone yelled on her face. "Finally I got bored"

She opened her eyes and looked at him. He had a smile draw in his face, more like a creepy smile. His eyes were showing his craziness, and that made her scare.

She tried to play it tuff and show them that they can't inflected her. She tried to be strong but now the fear was getting the best of her. She wasn't scared about her life, but of what they're going to do with her.

"Someone ate your tongue, honey?"

She stayed quite again. Feeling her body trembling.

"Okay, I will talk" he took a chair and place it in front of her. "You see, this isn't your fault, but someone has to pay, and you are the only Martinez that left alive, right? So, you have to pay for your fathers sins"

"Not this again. I thought it was doneGabriela thought to herself. She felt her blood traveling cold to her veins because she knew this time she wouldn't make it out alive. There wasn't any chance to find her, and if they will there's a big chance to be too late.

"Where are we?" She mumbled.

"Like I would tell you"

"Like I would can tell to someone" she said ironically.

He laughed. "Somewhere no one could find you. But don't worry, you have us. We're going to have a lot of fun" with his right hand touched her cheek and let it slide down to her neck.

She understand what he meant with this. So she had to think quick to escape from it. "Oh they'll find me" she answered bravely. "And when they do, you're going to be ten feet under the earth, dying slowly alive. No escape for you, but for me, there's gonna be a big chance. Either you kill or not, either you ran away or not, someday they are gonna find you"

"You think you can scare me? You think I can't destroy anything you love?" He grabbed her by her hair so hard she was sure he pulled some off of her head. "Bitch, you're about to beg me to stop!"

"I'm not scared of you asshole" it was better to beat her to death than doing something worse, so she turn her head next to his, and bite his ear so hard that when he tried to escape she cut him and blood start to come out. He screamed from pain and she laughed until he hit her with his foot to her stomach so many times until blood came out from her mouth and it wasn't just his.

"You really shouldn't do that" he whistle and two guys appeared in the room. "Tied her their" he commanded and they grabbed her. "It's time to have some fun"

The two guys took her from each side by her hands and placed her near by the window, they put handcuffs in her wrists and tied them high in a chain that was hanging from the ceiling, her feets barely could touched the ground.

"The knife" he asked for and he took it from his partner. "From where should I begin? Hmm" he was walking around her thinking. "Maybe from here" he cut her hair.

She sighed relieved, her hair wasn't important, they will going to grow again. But he praised the tip of the knife under her eye and let it slide sown to her neck let in his path a scar.  She remain silent again, trying to hide her pain and fear, praying for someone to come and save her.

"Should I cut a part from your body next?"

Gabriela looked around her and realized it was just the two of them. She low her head and start to take deep breaths, and whispered something the man in front of her couldn't understand what. He came closer to her his head only little inches away from hers.

"What are you saying?" He asked.

She raised her head fast with a smile on her face. "The good news are, I was raised in a family where martial arts were our hobbies. So I'm pretty good at those, at least I'm kind of tough. The bad news are that this may not work"

"Work what b-"

She pulled her body up by putting all her strength in her hands despise all the pain she was feeling, and wrapped her legs around his throat, pressing them to close until he could not breath. He tried his best to resist, punching her body and the air, doing anything he could to escape. He tried to scream so the others could hear but it was pointless.

But the sound of a loadid gun shoots, made her body filled with more pain than before, as a bullet came through her left shoulder. She looked down and her shirt was now painted in red from her blood.

"I guess this was it" she mumbled while she was feeling her eyes become heavy, her breath slowing, her body dying. "I love you baby"  she thought once again, praying her son knew how much she really love him.

(It isn't good i know. So I'm so sorry for this chapter. It could be better put i can't think anything better. I'm sorry again. I hope you like it tho no matter what😊)

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