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From one hand she was scared to tell him that she knew who the father was and she decided to never tell him, and on the other hand she was getting mad about the way he reacted and the words he said.

Like she was a slut and slept with anyone who came across her path. But even if that's what happened he doesn't get to decide what she is.

"Watch your mouth Angel" her eyebrow raised.

"I didn't told you that it was wrong. I'm just asking, so chill. I didn't came here to fight you. I came here as a friend" he took one step closer to her and looked her angry.

"Oh yeah? Because the only thing that's happening here since you came is to make me mad! You make everything looks like are my fault!" she screamed in his face.

"And now you make everything look so dramatic. But wait, you always do that. You always want to look like the victim. You never take the blame on you, even if you are the one who caused it!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Now they were so close that she could feel her body hitting up. She could see his veins on his neck trembling because of the anger inside of him. But she could care less.

He just accused her and she couldn't accept this from him. He knew her very well to say those words.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!"

"No I don't, so if you could spare some of your precious time tell me"

"I'm talking about you turning everything upside down and then you decide to avoid them. I'm talking about you leaving after what happened and never give me a reason why!"

She could tell he was broken. His eyes show her everything before he could hide his feelings like he always do. She saw that he needed an explanation, and still didn't believed her that she called him so many times.

"I'm talking about... " He continued. And she was really ready to tell him that her son was his too, but he decided to fuck everything up. "...you being coward. I'm talking about you being a pussy"

Gabriela couldn't control her self. She didn't think before react as her hand slapped him so hard that she felt her own hand hurt. But now he crossed the line.

Angel in front of her was someone she didn't know. It was like she was standing with someone else.

"Get out" she whispered tired, feeling her eyes watering.

"What?" he asked her touching his cheak. Realizing what he just said.

"Get out!" she screamed.

"No" he took a big step and suddenly his arms was holding her face. "I ain't gonna do this again. I'm not gonna leave without taking an answer"

Angel's eyes were all over her lips, burning her skin without even touching her.

She was looking him and it was like looking her son. The same eyes, the same mouth. Everything.

She realized how much she missed his touch. His hand on her and his lips on her. She realized that maybe he  was her one but she wasn't his.

How she could move on with her life when she couldn't leave her past behind?

"I'm tired Angel.  Just leave" she mumbled.

"I'm tired too. I'm tired of you always leaving, always giving up"

"I'm here for good. I'm not gonna leave"

"Your promises means nothing" he said and let her, he gave her one last look and shake his head in disbelief, then turned his back on her and went inside the house.

She didn't realize she was holding her breath until she heard his bike leaving. A tear escaped from her eye and she whipped it off quickly refusing to cry tonight for this man.

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