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"I can't understand what's wrong with you. Really there comes time that I really can't explain your attitude" Bishop start talk to Angel. They had ride with their motorbikes in the desert, so they could be alone. Bishop doesn't really talk about this, or give any advice to anyone, but someone really need to put a little sense in his mind. "Why you don't want to meet your son?"

"Because I feel guilty" he answered without hesitation.

"Guilty for what?"

"For never picking up the phone? I mean, i didn't knew she called me. Back then..." he was about to talk about Adelita, but when they were a thing, it was the time when him Coco and Gilly was cross bathing the MC. So he tried to find the right words to explain it. "Okay, back then I was with someone. And she found out I slept with Gabriela, so she was mad and didn't liked her so much. Not that it was her fault, I was the asshole one who decided to sleep with her that night. I still don't know why tho"

"You do know"

"No I don't"

"Seriously Angel, you really need to do something with your eyes"

"What you mean, jefe?"

"I meam you always have a problem to see the obvious. Gabriela loved you since you two where kids. And everybody could see it except you. Her son it's exactly like you, still couldn't see it. And man, you are in love with her too, but still can't realise it"

"No I'm not! She's like sister to me"

"Really Angel? A sister? Why you feed yourself those stories? You need to wake up bro, before it's too late"

Angel didn't gave to much attention, he preferred to change the subject so he continued his story. "So when Gabriela called me to tell me that she was pregnant to our kid, this girl I was with, deleted or her calls. And after months when she called again I was mad seeing her name, so when i picked up i said some shit stuff. And told her to never call me again, that I don't need her..."

"That was pretty fucked up"

"I know. But-"

"No buts. Just talk to her. Explain. Said to her what you told me. And be there for your son. You and her is all he got" jow phone start to ring and he picked up, when his finished he continued. "We have job to do"

"What happened?"

"Galindo wants us. On the tunnels"

"What happened?"

"Something about someone put his family in danger"

"Again?" Angel hopped on his bike and put his hamlet on.

"I don't know but he sounded very upset. And when Miguel is upset that's ain't good"

Twenty minutes they arrived at the tunnels, the rest of the MC were waiting for them outside.

"What happened" Bishop asked.

"Don't know. Lets go find out" Hank said and hold the door open so they get through. "He was mad tho. Like something bad is gonna happened"

They walled for two minutes until they see the lights and hear the voices. The first person they saw was Alvarez and then Miguel with his body guards.

"Padrino, what's going on?" Angel was the one who spoked now. His eyes travel to the man behind him and he was looking at him too. He swears if his eyes could kill him, he will be dead by now.

"Miguel received some threatenings. But it's not only about him"

"What you mean?"

Marcus sigh and ran his hand through his face. "They're back, primo"

Fill the void || Angel Reyes "Mayans mc"Where stories live. Discover now