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6 years ago.

They went to Adelita for some work her friends they have with year behind their presintet and the rest of the Mayans. She didn't liked it, but they were their friends so of course she will support them without asking much.

She rest her head on Cocos shoulder and took a deep breath. Lately she wasn't feeling right and wasn't getting much sleep either. But she knew the reason why.

Gabriela felt Angel's hand on her tight who he was sitting next to her and squeeze it. 

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Just tired" she answered and her fingers tight around Coco's arm.

They finally arrived and get out of the car. Angel went straight to Adelita and pressed his lips to hers for a second before they start talking for something that looked important.

"I'm gonna wait to the car" she whispered to her friend next to her and he gave her an understanding look.

Gabriela felt like she crashed with a car. She didn't want to feel like that but you can't tamed your feelings about someone. As she couldn't stop falling for the biker and one of her best friends. She crew up with Angel, but never thought of him like that,until one year ago. She was falling, and falling hard.

A tear fell from her eyes and as she looked up to see the guys she saw Angel look at her with concern in his eyes. He raised his eyebrow asking her what's going on and she smiled to convince him that everything was alright.

Angel crab Coco's hand and drag him somewhere they could talk in private.  "What's going on?" asked him.

"Nothing?" said Coco.

"I mean with Gabbie. What's going on with her. I saw her tear, and how she left and went to the car"

"Nothing man. She's just tired and has a lot on her mind. I guess it's all the pressure"

"Hmm" it was all he said but he didn't believed him. Something inside him was telling him there's so much more behind all of this but he didn't know what. "OK let's go back to the clubhouse. We have party tonight"

"Of course we have" Coco said and the laughed together.

Gabriela was sitting in the front seat when Angel came to her and put his head inside the window so close to her face that her heart stopped.

"You okay love?"

"I'm okay. I just have so much in mind that I need settle down" she was good at lying, very good, she saw it on his eyes as he was satisfied with her answer.

"We have a party at the clubhouse. Sons are coming" he explained. "We could get drunk and forget about every shit that happens around us and around here" he continue and but his finger in her head. "So are you in?"

Gabbie laughed a little and shake her head. For Angel most of problems could be fixed with alcohol. And at the moment felt right. She could drink for today and forget about everything for a while. Pretend that her heart didn't want this man and she was happy with what she had.

"I'm in" she smiled.

"That's my girl!". He kissed her forehead and went to the back shit.

"You okay Gab?" Coco said asking the same question making wonder if she looked as shit as she felt.

"Everything will be fine" told him and kissed his cheak.

The night at the clubhouse was loud, there where too many people around drinking, laughing and playing some card games. Everything seems right and fun, and everybody have good time and for a while they didn't have to worry about tomorrow or the problems they have above them.

Gabriela was pretty drunk by now, with too many beers and too many shots. She stood up from the table she was sitting and headed inside. It was time to grab her stuff and go home.

"Fuck" she said when she tripped.

"You okay?" Angel laughe
laughed and hold her before she get to the ground.

"Yes, just dizzy" her hands was on his arms and her eyes met his. "I'm just gonna go now. I had eno

"No, no. You're not going anywhere. You gonna stay here tonight. To drunk to drive back home and I'm pretty sure everyone here is too to take you there"

"No, it's fine. I'm gonna walk"

"C'mon. You gonna sleep to my room". He raised his eyebrow and drive her there. He was drunk too but he knew she couldn't get back like that.

The went to his room and as she turn around to thank him, her legs got in his and they both fell to the bed with Angel on top of him.

"I'm sorry" she said and laughed, but he didn't. He was looking at her with his eyes travel to her body. She start to feel hot and she knew who's fault was that.

Angel always make her feel like she couldn't breathe, like her body was about to explode and now, with him so close she wanted to burn out.

His hand touch her cheak and his eyes wonder to her face. A little smirk was on his face. He really not felt like that before, his body was burning with hers. As soon as he was on top of her he wanted her. Maybe he couldn't feel right because of the alcohol but for now he wanted her to be his.

"Gab" he whispered before his lips crashed over hers. He deepened the kiss letting her know how desperate he was. How much he needed her right now.

And she was too drunk to stop him. But deep inside see didn't want to stop, she was happy right now. For the first time, even if it doesn't last he would be hers. So, that's something she couldn't deny nor stop what it's going to happen.

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