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Maybe it was a mistake to go to her house by herself. No, it was definitely a mistake. A huge mistake. She regret it? Hell yes. But all she could thing was that her son is safe, it's all that matters now. For some strange reason she didn't scared for her life, she guessed she was tired after all those years running and running.

Gabriela heard car doors closing and voices talking from outside, she looked out of the window and show four man coming closer to her house, and two other waiting on a car.

She thought maybe it was Nestor and his guys, but she thought wrong. She didn't know who they were but they made sure to inform her before take her away.

She run inside her room, locked the door and search everywhere for a gun, only to find out there wasn't any. So she grabbed her cellphone and called someone to tell before it was to late. From the first attempt no one answered, but she tried again and again until he picked up.

"I'm busy with the club now" he heard him.

"I know, I'm sorry but-"

Angel heard her cryings and felt his heart raising beats. "Gabriela what's going on?"

"They... they are here at my house. I don't know who...but I don't have much time. Please take care of Hector. You know, I wanted to tell you after you left and he came back from school. He knew you were his father. He figured out by himself. He's so smart Angel, you gonna love him and I'm sure he will too. I'm sorry for keeping it hide from you all these years. But... please take care of him, yeah? He's everything. He's smart, he's funny, hell he's so much like you. He always remind me of you. He's a mini you" now she was laughing with tears in her eyes.

"Gabriela..." He could hear in her voice she was giving up. She was like didn't care if she lives or not. And that made him mad. Mad with himself. "I will find you" he assured her.

"Angel, I always loved you, and always will. You own my heart. Forever-"

She couldn't tell more, as the door opened and the guys came in. One of them, he was big, and he seemed like a military guy. Well, this guy had a creepy smile on his face while he was clapping.

"Such a touchy moment. Really, almost break my heart" the guys behind him start to laugh. "Now, get this bitch!"

Her phone fell from her head and she tried to find something to crab, but eventually she realised it was like looking a needle in a haystack. So she gave up and accept the fact that that was it.


Nestor reached the house too late, but as he was about to get out of his car and go into the house, he saw some cars running from the back yard and he knew.

He run after them with one more car from behind follow him with two of his guys inside. They came in front of him and try to reach the other cars, but two masks men went out from the windows and shoot the wheels, causing them to get out from the road.

"FUCK!" Nestor screamed and took out his phone to call Angel. He didn't pick up. "Come on Mikey!"

The car that shoot his partners turned right on one road, disappearing, but he didn't followed this one.

"Mikey!" He yelled as his boss called him back. "They fucking got her! I'm out of the town, in the highway on the road-" a car crashed him pulling him out of his way, he fell on the edge with his car rolling on the downhill.

He start to coach as blood was coming out of his mouth from the crash. His head was wooden too, and some scratch on his face. He tried to get out, troubling to walk, he looked up and saw the car that hit him leaving before they make sure he wouldn't follow them.


When Angels phone rang after a while Miguel's did the same. He heard closely to his friend but he was cut out after a while. The two men looked eachother with fear in their eyes for an instant moment after the range took its place.

"They got her" they said at the same time and everybody stopped talking.

Jax with Chips stood up form their sits as Coco and Ez did the same.

"What you mean?" Jax hit his hands on the table. "How?" He raised his voice now. "You supposed to look after her!" He went next to Miguel and tried to grab him but Angel stopped him.

"Stop! It isn't the right time! We should-"

"Fuck you!" He punch him instead. "Fuck you all! I knew she wasn't safe here. I should had keep her with me"

"Jackie-boy, relax"

"No I won't. I want her back alive you hear me?"

"Who the fuck you think you talking to, boy?" Miguel hissed behind his teeth trying to scared him.

"To the guy that lost the girl who supposed to protect!" He fired back and if he could kill him with his eyes, now he will be dead. He knew she wasn't safe here. He knew it from the first time he step his foot here. "When we find her, and we will, she's coming with me, back in Charming"

"No she's not" Angel casually said. "She isn't going anywhere this time. Her home is here. Everything she loves is here. So shut up for once!"

"I warned you once, watch your fucking mouth. Learn to have respect to your superiors!"

"Enough!" Alvarez yelled this time. "You all should calm down. With screams and punches we're not gonna solve anything. So stay calm and lets find out what we're going to do! She needs us all, not the half of us"

"He's right. First we find her. We kill the rest of the cartel and then we will see what will happen" Miguel agreed. "Stop being kids, both of you, and let's make a plan!"


When she opened her eyes she realised they were still on the move. Her head was hurting and her hands where tight behind her back.

"Who...who are you?" She tried to say.

"Look who's up. Finally, for a moment I thought you were dead" the same guy from earlier spoke again.

"You still didn't answer my question, pendejo" she was fearless or she didn't care at all.

"A big mouth for a woman so small" he laughed as turned his head from road to she her.

She split on his face without hesitation. "A big asshole for a weak man"

He raised his hand and punch her on the face angry. "Bitch"

The pain caused her screams but after she start to laugh really loud. "You're a weak matherfucker. Hitting a woman"

"Shut up bitch or I'll kill you right now" he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her closer to him, with his other hand took his gun and placed it under her chin.

"I dare you" she hissed. But he didn't do anything. "Exactly my thoughts" she knew she was playing with fire talking like this, but she didn't feel it. She's done being weak. "Pussy"

"Shut up already" he called and hit her one more time, so hard that she lost her senses.

"Shut up already" he called and hit her one more time, so hard that she lost her senses

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