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The party was all about fun , Mayans and Reapers had some kind of box fight for fun and some other clubs have pool games.

Gabriela was sitting far away from them, almost hiding, and just stare. The beers making their jobs good in her system, helping her mind and body going numb.

Angel was talking all night to this hoe, his hands all around her body. Sometimes his lips was resting in her neck, making Gabriela jealous. And she was, because she always wanted him but never had that, and it seems like she never will.

Maybe she should stop have this idea in her mind that eventually he realize what feelings she has for him and tell her he feels the same. She used to think that. But back then she was a kid and now she is a woman that has a son who hasn't has a father. Although he was sitting across her, having no clue.

How she could do that to her son? Raised him with the idea that they always going to be just the two of them.

But deep inside her she knew why she raise him like that. She didn't want to see her son heartbroken by a man who might not want him, by a man who thinks she is a mistake.

"Hey Gabriela" Bishop came to sit next to her. "What are you thinking so deep?"

"Nothing" she said and smiled.

His eyes followed hers and he saw Angel. He knew she wanted him, since she was very young, even though she pretend he was just her best friend. She never had the courage to expose her feelings.

"You should talk to him. Tell him everything"

"I have nothing to tell him"

"You do. He needs to understand why you left" he pulled her in his hug.  It was nice to feel a father's hug, she hasn't had that for a long time. "He was heartbroken, he still is, I can tell. Even if he is a jerk to you right now he still cares. Never stopped wonder about you. Never stopped loving you"

"I was heartbroken too you know?" She snapped. "But no one cared. No one knew"

"Yes" Bishop agreed. "But because you pushed everyone away and then left the town without saying a word. It's normal for some of these guys treat you like that right now, you were a team back then. Always together, never leaving each others side. So when you left it was like you took with you a part of them that they never could fill"

Tears ware streaming down her face right now. She didn't realized how much pain she caused until now. She always told to herself that leaving the town was for everyone's good.

"I'm sorry" Gabriela wispered and rest her head on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry"

"I guess you had your reasons" he comfort her.

All this time since Bishop went to sit with Gabriela, Angels eyes were on them. Trying to read their lips behind his dizzy eyes and figures what they're talking about. And when he saw her tears escape from her eyes, everything around him stopped. The music, the voices from the people, everything. It was like the time had stop.

She seems so small and fragile right now. That a little touch might break her into little pieces.

He wanted to do something for that, he wanted to go there and help her. But his ego was much more bigger than this.

Yes he knew he was an asshole to her, and probably the worst person to be around right now, but he was still feeling betrayed. He still can't forgive her.

Angel needed a good explanation, not because she just left out of nowhere without telling anyone, but because she disappeared for good. And now she had the nerve to turn back in Sando Padre and turning their lives upside down.

She hasn't that tight.

Although everyone seemed to forgive her, or not really care about what happened them. Coco seemed okay with her, Gilly and Ez too. But Ez didn't hand out with her so much because he was in prison.

He wanted to feel okay too. To not have all this anger inside him. But he couldn't. He had so many unanswered questions, that everytime he tried to ask them, the anger was getting the best of him making him forget the real reason he was in front of her.

"Wake up brother or else she realise you're eating her with your eyes" Ez spoke behind him. "You wanna come and play at the pool? To make you forget by winning you?"

"Oh you really wish prospect. It's on" he pushed the girl from him and stood up. "Sorry" he told her not really feeling it. "Let's go and see how you loosing"

Ez laughed and patched him brotherly in the arm as they walked to the pool.

"Who ever wins buying new wheels for the bike"

"Stop talking and start working" Angel smiled and everyone gathered around them.

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