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Fifteen days. Fifteen days without Gabriela seeing her son, without Hector knows where she went and why she wasn't coming home. That hurt her more than the hole in her shoulder, knowing her son living all this days thinking she might abandoned him, it was killing her.

Of course all this days she was in the hospital trying to recover from her wounds. She couldn't stay here longer, she just wanted to go home, and not Miguel's home, but hers.

She was alone in the room for the first time and finally she could relax without everyone asking her how she is. She was fine. But now the nurse come in and destroyed the silence she had.

"How are you today?" She asked her and went to check something next to her.

"Good" she mumbled and looked the other way.

"Okay" the young girl smiled. "Today you can go home"

"Really?" Gabriela smiled for the first time after what happened. "Finally I will see my son" she sighed happy.

"I'm glad. Someone is here, do i let them in or..."

"Yeah yeah" she answered not really care. She was going back home, back to her son, and that was all that matters right now.

"Hey..." She heard Angel's voice. He entered the room and gave her a pack bag. "I brought you some clothes. They're actually mine because you know..." She could tell he felt awkward. "I didn't know what..."

She opened the bag and took the clothes out. "It's perfect" she smiled and wear the pants first. "Thank you. Are you here to take me home?"

"Yes. Miguel called me, he couldn't make it so he asked me-"

"Miguel asked you?" That was strange. Miguel doesn't like Angel and he never trusted him, so something isn't right.


"What about Marcus?"

"I don't know" he shake his shoulders. "Do you want me to go? I can send Coco if you feel uncomfortable"

She laughed and went next to him, she wrapped her arms around him and hide her face on his chest. After two minutes she realised what she had done and took a step back. "I... I'm sorry, I don't know why I did this"

And that was the truth. She didn't know why. Her body react before her mind could stopped it. Maybe it was because she was glad she was alive and they saved her. Or maybe now that he was sweet with her after all this time she find her chance to feel close to him.

She misses him, it's true. But she knows he ain't no good for her.

"It's okay" he said as his heart start beating fast. "I'll go get your papers until you get ready and then we can go to your son"

"Our" she said and he froze.

"What?" Angel asked because he didn't understand.

"Our son Angel. He's yours too"

"Yeah I know. I just thought.." he rubbed the back of his neck looking down.

"Okay. I'll get ready" she said to stop this conversation.

She had a plan for this day. She first will go to Miguel's house, if he's there she would like to talk to him and tell him what she was thinking, but if he isn't then she would have to go no matter what. Gabriela knows that she'll be more safe if she stay with him but she really need a time alone.

Angel came back to the room again with a folder in his hands. "I'll take this" he said and took the bag from her hands.

"It's okay, i can do-"

Fill the void || Angel Reyes "Mayans mc"Where stories live. Discover now