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Marcus and Miguel went to the warehouse to came across nothing. It was empty, there wasn't even a single box somewhere. So empty that they could hear eachother heartbeat.

Jax with the rest of the SONS has the same fate. No one was there, this place almost looked haunted.  "I hope the others have a better luck than us"

But after he finished his words his phone buzzed and a message appeared on his screen from Alvarez. "Nothing here. Move on"  he wrote so he send exactly the same back.

"Padrino didn't find anything. Lets go find Bishop and the others" he spoke and everybody rushed to their bikes.

Jax decided to put a stop on the thought in his mind. Forbidden it to think anything, because if he will, he will going to lose it. He's already has so much inside that he hides, and if he let himself think of losing Gabriela for good this time, he's sure as hell he's gonna flip.

Mayans where laying on the ground, with big plants hiding them. Coco had glasses in his hands looking to the warehouse.

"I can see two assholes outside, holding snipers"

"Okay I'm going" Angel spoke and star to scrawl but suddenly stopped. "What are you doing?" He asked as he turn around and saw his brother and his friend follow him.

"We're coming with ya"

"Oh no you don't" he said. "I'm going to be fine. If we go all three of us it's more dangerous for them to find out, so let me go first and when the area outside is clear, I'm calling you"


"Prospect, did I told you to speak? Shut up and do as I said. You too Johhny"

If Angel called Coco by his name, that means he was dead serious, so they stayed behind.

He walked quietly, trying to stay as low as he could so he would be hidden by the plants. He went near the fence and looked above it. One man was walking and looking with a gun in his hand.

Angel took a gun from behind his back and place the silencer, he climbed above the fence and walked quickly behind the other guy, he crossed his arm around his neck and place the gun in the side of his forehead pressing the trigger without a second thinking, or regret his action.

No one will walk out alive from here. Even if that means for him to sacrifice himself. All that matters now is to find Gabriela so she go back home and be with her son, with his son.

All this situation made him realise how much he loves her and that this feeling was there for many years, he just hide it too deep inside that he forgot it. He knows he's late, he knows he said some pretty bad stuff to her, and treat her badly, but he's willing to try and fight for her.

"What is he fucking doing?" Coco wispered to the others. "Is he trying to kill himself?"

"I think he's not thinking clear right now" Ez started but their president stopped him.

"He just trying to do something right for the first time in his life. Let's go, he's calling us"

They all loadid their guns and run their without hesitation. They opened the big brown door and they start shooting. All they could see was bullets flying here and there. Some screams and footsteps.

"Is everybody dead?" Hank asked above the noise.

"Check it on" Bishop answered.

They looked around and five men were dead, a lot of blood around and nothing else. She wasn't here. That means they failed their mission. Samcro didn't find her, Miguel with Marcus either.

"Where is she?" Angel yelled. "Where the fuck is she?" He sounded desperate, and he was. He was loosing his mind. He was sure she was here, he felt it. This can't be happening. "Where is she man?" Tears filled his eyes, his hands was holding his head with his fingers pulling his hair.

"We will find her" Coco tried to calm him down.

"When? Where?" Angel start to walk up and down, kicking and hitting whatever was in his way. "This can't be happening. I can't loose her again man, I just can't"

There isn't another place they could be. And there's no chance they could make it to Mexican in this little of time. They should be here. It's like they vanished. This makes no sense to him. There's should be something here. Buy there's nothing.

"Where is she?" Jax called as enter the place with the others follow him. He looked around and when his eyes fell on Angel he realised what was happening. "No, no, no" he walked near to them. "She supposed to be here man"

"We thought...Where else they could be?" Riz spoke this time. "We should think clear. Where we will went if we were them?"

The crews start talking and trying to think other places before it's too late, if it's not already, as Ezekiel was looking around to find some evidence. He searched the place and find a door on the ground. He went closer and took a deep breath, praying to God she will be here. He open it and came confront a body, he fell on his knees and grabbed it to pull it out to make sure to whom this body belongs.

He sat down, with the body on his legs and took another breathe, he turned it over and his heart stopped for a moment. It was her.

Did he wished for this belonged to someone else? The truth is yes. Because this isn't look good.

Blood was all over her chest, her face, wasn't the pretty face nature gifted her with. It wasn't a bright, happy and clean face anymore. She had bruises on it and dry blood. You almost couldn't figure it out it was Gabriela's face.

Her eyes were closed. Her lips a bit open. And she looked lifeless.

"No" he whispered. "No, God. No..." He placed some of her her behind her ears as he lowered his head to place his ears in her mouth, praying to hear her breathe. Nothing. With his fingers searched her veins. Still nothing. Tears felt from his eyes. He placed her on the ground and tried to give her CPR.

If this not work either he knew that this will break his brother heart. He knew that this would killed him. It's better to know that you're not going to see a person you love never again, but knowing that this person is alive. That you'll never see them again and knowing that their dead.

"Angel" he called but everybody was busy talking and yelling. "HEY! HEY, ANGEL!"


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