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She was coming back. After five and half years she was coming back to her home town. She didn't know why but it felt the right thing to do. After her mother died she didn't have a reason to be there, and the money wasn't enough to hold the house by her own. So she came back.

Back to Santo Padre where she grew up and had her first love, her first broken heart, her first of everything. And this is where she belong and this is the place where she wanted to be his everything too.

She tried to live alone there, she did the best she could, but it was difficult and hard, and the rent was so high. So a year later she decided to leave. It's not that she has someone here, or any family, or her old friends would forgive her for what she did years before, but she had a house that she wouldn't have to pay to live.

"Welcome home" she murmured as she parked her car outside the cafeteria. It was old and as she remembered it, but it was beautiful and reminded her the old good times.

She went to the back sit and throw the back on her shoulder, as she lean in and unlocked the seat belt. "Come here little guy"

The little boy locked his hands around her neck and rest his head on her shoulder. "I'm tired mom"

"I know baby. Do you think you can sleep on my hug for a while?"

"Yes" he answered and tight his hand around her for a while.

She sat on one of the tables outside the cafeteria near to a next new shop she never saw before and kissed the top of the head of her child to comfort him.

"Hello!  Welcome, what can I get you?" a girl showed up and asked her.

"A double black coffee please" she answered but the girl kept waiting because she saw the kid. "Oh no. He's sleeping"

"Oh sorry" said the girl and vanished inside the store.

As Gabriela was looking around and admiring the place try to remember every memory she had about every single store, every single road, she heard some bikes and turn her head to the left to she who they were.

She couldn't understand tho, busy she saw the leather jacket the wear and what it was written to them "Mayans M.C" she said to herself and her heart stopped for a while.

As she looked to the guys, two of them catches her sight and instantly stopped the bikes. The guys looked each other and one of them get off of the bike and walked over to her. He frozen when he saw a little kid on her arms and took his hamlet off.

"Gabbie..." he almost whispered.

"Angel" she answered and stand up. "I... I gotta go" and run to her car carefully as she put her son inside.

"Hold up! Hold up!" Angel almost scream and reach her hand and stop her before she could get on the driver seat.

"I..." she didn't know what to say, her heart beating so fast in her chest that she thought it could break in any minute.

"What are you doing?"

"I... Came home?" she almost asked.

"Why?  Why did you came back? After all these years?  And what the fuck is this?" he asked and looked to the back seat.  "You have a kid now?"

Gabriela start to feel like she couldn't breathe. It was to much for one day. She hoped that this day wouldn't be the day where they find out she returned. She hoped first to settle down with her son at their home and relax but the universe wasn't feeling it.

"I gotta go" she said again and get into to her car and drove away.

Fill the void || Angel Reyes "Mayans mc"Where stories live. Discover now