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"Go and call whores the hoes you changing like sheets every night! Don't ever come here again. You don't deserve shit. You'll always be an asshole and one day you realise who really cares about you and who not! But when that day comes, you will have nobody by your side. I was there for you! I was there when shits get real. I was there when you didn't had anybody. Fuck I was putting my life above everything and everyone for you. I was willing to die for you. I never betrayed you. I never told your secrets. And you have the nerve to come here and call me a puta when you're not so good yourself. Go! Keep going with your miserable life and never bother to ask for me again! I don't know you any more and i don't want to have anything to do with you. Te odio. Estás muerto para mi"

"You where there? When? I don't remember you the last eight years!"

Gabriela made a grimace disappointed with him. She's done so many things for him, she put up with all his shits and he never recognise it. She'll always be by his side no matter what because she loves him. But she can't handle this anymore. She can't love someone who doesn't recognize not even the little things.

"Enough! If you can't see it then you need to leave. You're right, i shouldn't have came back. And I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry that I thought i had someone here. I guess I'm not. After all I was a mistake right?" She question testing him with her eyebrow raised. Although she wanted to seem tought she could feel her tears fill her eyes threating to escape.

"Fuck! Are you still mad with this? I never said you were mistake! I said what we did it was. We never should did that. We crossed the line between our friendship and i didn't ruined that! It was just a night fuck, just forget it. It didn't mean anything"

"My thoughts exactly. I don't think we should talk anymore. Leave"

"Leave? No. I fucking told you, I came here for some explanation and i intent to get it either you like it or not. And leaving isn't my thing"

She really needed to make him leave. She couldn't have him standing across her anymore. She had enough for one night. She was feeling so devastated inside.

"Fucking leave already pendejo"

"Said the puta" he came closer to her and spit beside her feet indirespect. With is action he received another slap, more painful this time. He growled and grabbed her from the neck pushing her body to the wall. "You ever hit me again I swear..."

"What kill me?" She stopped him. "Do it! So little of a man you are"

Angel was never a man who hits a woman and never would to that. Yes it crossed his mind but he loved this one to do anything more violent. He raised his hand just to punch the wall next to her head only to take out his anger, but something grabbed his wrest prevented him. And deep inside as confused as he was he was thankful for it because he didn't want to make her scared of him.

"Do it" Jax growled coming out from the kitchen thinking he might hit her. "And I swear to god that the next time someone will hear from you it will be from your grave" pointing his gun to his face.

"The fuck you doing here?" Angel asked ignoring all the other things. "The fuck Gab?"

"You need to control your fucking actions asshole. Now leave and if you ever come near her, I promise you I will know and i make sure you regret it"

"Still whity, you didn't answer my question" Angel turn to Gabriela. "¿Qué esta haciendo él aquí? Sabes esta pendejo?"

"Si. Lo conozco"

"Stop talking in Spanish. I know you talk about me"

"Jax it's okay, i can handle this" now Gabriela said and went to him, grab his gun and unload it. "It's okay"

Fill the void || Angel Reyes "Mayans mc"Where stories live. Discover now