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The next they was quite. Gabriela didn't do much, she went for a walk with her son and she show him some places around where she grew up.

His favorite was a park where people gathered and played around with their families or their pets. So they stayed for a couple of hours. Hector, her son, met some kids and they became instantly friends.

She was happy for him. That means he wouldn't be all alone this summer. Yes he has her, but it's more fun when you have someone around your age.

All last night and all day today, she was thinking what Coco said to her and how she should tell Angel about their son.

And truth is she wanted to tell him but she was hella scared. She didn't know how he would react and what he would do when he found out.

She was about 21 when she had him. And it was her life. She didn't want to lose him. But she would accept the fact that sometimes he would stay with him.

Angel was a good guy. Maybe he would want to look tough and badaas but she knew how his true shelf. She was relieved that she had a son with him because he loved him with all her heart.

She still does. And always will. She tried to move on so many times, but eventually she realized no one could fill the void she had inside.

Only one. And that one never wanted her the way she does.

Although she learned to live with that. She accepted the fact that sometimes the people we love so much, don't love us the same. And that's life, you can't do anything about it.

That's the reason she stopped trying to find someone. Cause she already did, even if she could never have him.

"Mummy, I'm tired" Hector said.

"Okay baby, let's take you a bath first"

"No bath today, please" he begged. "Please let's do it tomorrow"

She laughed and took him in her arms. "Don't get used to it. Only for tonight we'll cheat"

"Yay!! You're the best mummy in the whole world!!"

"Yeah, I know" she whispered as she carried him in his bedroom. She layer with him and start telling him a bed time story.


Later that night as she was in the backyard sitting on the steps and drinking beer and smoking she herd someone knocking at her door.

As she she went to open her heart start beating fast. Her body knew who it was before her mind realize it.

Gabriela took a deep breath before answered.

Angel was standing in front of her with his hand on his pocket and a tired look in his eyes.

"Hi" she said so low that she couldn't even hear herself.

"Can I come in?" he asked and she nod. "I needed to talked to you"

"Mhm?" was her reaction. " 'bout what?"

"About everything" he said and went to her fridge to grab a beer without asking. He remembered where everything were, and the truth is, nothing really changed in this house. "About you leaving for good"

"Let's go outside. Hector is sleeping" she said as starting to walk outside where she was before.

"You named him Hector?"


"But... "

"I just liked the name. And my mom recommended so..."

He didn't say anything else, because it wasn't the right time.

"Why did you leave?"

"Uhm...When I first leave it was for only a month, buy then I decided to stay for good"

"And you thought that you shouldn't let as know?" he was getting mad.

"What?" she asked surprised. "I called you so many times!" now she was yelling. "And you never picked up! You don't even have to bothered to called me right back!"

"No you fucking didn't!" his breathe was heavy. "I never saw a called from you"

"Low your voice before you wake up my son. And why do you even care if I left? I was a mistake remember?"

She caught him off guard. He stayed quite for a while thinking about that night.

"I said, it was a mistake that night. Not you. Don't change my words"

"Anyway. It does not make a difference"

"Of course it does. Even if what we did was mistake, that doesn't mean it's change the way I feel about you! Doesn't mean I stop caring for you!"

Gabriela was looking at the night sky realizing how hurt she felt about his words. It doesn't change anything. How stupid she was to think that maybe someday he start to feel something more.

"I just didn't want to come back" she whispered. "There wasn't a point anymore"

"And what about us?" he yelled one more time.


"I mean... Me, Coco, Ez... Everybody!!" he said so fast like he had something to hide.

"I never stop loving you... I just needed some space... "

"Space for what?"

"You are a really fool, don't you?" she laughed and shake her head.

"What do you mean Gab?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired. I don't know what I'm saying" she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Anyway. I just needed to stay away..."

"Whose is the kid? Who left you pregnant and left you alone to raise him?"

"Uhm... Can we... Can we not talk about this right now?" Gabriela asked nicely. She didn't have the nuts to tell him it was him. At least not right now.

"Okay... " He agreed and then take out a cigarette." Tell me what did you did all this time"

"Well... Not much... I mostly was with my son while my mother was working. Sometimes I worked the day, and sometimes at night, in a restaurant place. But you know, I just couldn't stay away from Hector. I didn't wanted him to grow up without his mother too. I didn't like to leave him with someone else. Maybe I was too protective, but I just couldn't leave him, I didn't even could work right, when my mind was with him"

"Does he ever asks you about his father?"

"Yeah, he used to, but he's too smart. He could see how thin was this subject to me, and he stopped asked me. But I still tell him stories about him. I don't want him to think that his father left him and don't love him. I want him to know everything about him, cause he's a good man"

"So... He's father is alive, and then what?"

Gabriela looked him deep in his eyes without saying anything like, praying that he won't react like a crazy man. He wanted him to understand that it was difficult for her and it almost broke her.

"You didn't told him?!" he gasped. "Why? You don't know who he is?"

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