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Indeed the ride was quite good. More than good. It was like the wind that hit their bodies took all her worries away from her head. She felt free and relax after a long time.

Maybe that's what she needed.

"Angel?" Now they were sitting on a big rock watching the city lights from above.


"Teach me" she smiled so soft that she took him by surprised.

"Teach you what?"

"How to ride a bike"

He almost choked with the beer. "No"

"Yes!" She raised her voice.

"Fuck no! I ain't gonna teach you! There's no way for you to ride a bike"

"Why? Because I'm a woman?" Gabriela start to getting mad. Like really mad, who he was thinking he was anyway.

If a man can ride a bike so a woman can.

"No! Because, because you're the mother of my son and the woman I fucking care more than anyone else. So no, I won't teach you how to kill yourself" Angel's voice was so loud that made her body shiver. "Whenever you feel like riding, you call me and we do what we did today"

"That's not enough. It's okay, you don't have to do it. I can ask Ezekiel or Coco"

"They're not gonna help you either"

"Yes they will"

"They will not. Don't act like a baby! I don't want for our son to loose both of his parents-"

"That's so low Angel!" She stood up and he did the same. Now they were yelling on each other face. "How is this relative?"

"It fucking is! There's more chances to die from a bike than from a car. You know how to drive a car, that's enough"

"You don't have the right to tell me what to do you know!"

"Yes I do!" He through away the beer bottle and it shutter into hundred pieces making an annoying noice. "I told you I won't fucking loose you for a second time. Put it good inside your head. If you want to feel free again, find another way. Because believe me when I say this: I'm not gonna let anyone to teach you, give you or shell you a fucking Motorbike!" He walked away mad. "Now let's go back! Maybe the wind clean your mind right this time"

He handed her his second helmet and when she didn't follow him he looked her with fire in his eyes and she did as he told immediately.

She still could feel how tense he was, but he should be. Yeah he was right in some way but in the  other... She just wanted to feel something.

They arrived at the club House and everybody was already there. Like literally everybody.

"Uhm... I didn't know you were having a party today?"

"Yeah, me neither" he murmured annoyed as he saw the Sons of anarchy club.

"Jackson is here!" She smiled and she almost run to him making Angel jealous.

"Yeah and?"

She looked at him and smiled, she grabbed his hand and then let it as she walked to her old friend.


"Hey pretty" he hugged her and they start talking.

"Jealous hmm?" Ez asked his brother and passed him a beer.

"Man shut up"

"You know, you don't hide it very well"

"Not trying to" he put a cigarette on his lips. "So how's going with the...?"

"Hmm, pretty bad man. Like we need a good plan. Police start noticing and we don't want to ruin our business. That's why Sons are here. We have to discuss what to do next" he stopped him before he could finished his sentence. "Like if they'll come to Sando Padre we're going to deal with too much shits"

Angels eyes landed on Gabriel. He knew that with the police here she could never get the chance to relax. They'll definitely pay her a visit and he knew he would lose her shit. She already has so much stress on her and she doesn't need more.

They have to think a good plan. They have to do something in case people come and ask questions about Bas kidnappers.

"Man, can't we rest for at least a fucking week? Like fuck man. What we gonna do? What about her? What about Hector? Pops?"

"We'll figure it out"

He watched her looking at the ring. Where to man fighting with bare bloody fists and nose. He knew this look in her eyes, he knew exactly what she was thinking before she turned around, look him in the eyes and smile.

"Fuck me man" he cursed.

"What now?"

"You know, that woman would be the death of me because she's fucking chase death"

"What do you mea-"

"Angel" she now was standing in front of him. With Angel refusing to look at her. "This" she sounded too much excited.

"Hell no Gab"

"It's ok. It's not like you can. But Ezekiel can teach me!"

"What did you just said?" He got closer to her, two heads taller than her. "Do you really want me to show you what I can and I can not?"

Ezekiel whistle next to them."Get a room you two"

"SHUT UP EZ!" They both shouted and he Lough as he start to walk away.

"Please Angel. This is less dangerous yeah? And Ez can be my teacher. He will be gentle"

"Fuck Gabs. You give me headache"

"I'll ask him"

"Nuh!" He grabbed her arm. "Fine I'll teach you. Happy?"

"Very!" She kissed his cheek and turned around to go find her old friends.

"Very!" She kissed his cheek and turned around to go find her old friends

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