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Angel was furious as he opened the door of the club and found everyone sitting, drinking beers and laughing.

He went straight to the bar to have a drink, he hold it and drunk it all at the same time.

"Wow, man chill" Gilly said as he went next to him with Coco.

"What happened?" Coco asked now as he put his hand on Angel's shoulder.

"Your friend happened" he answered and took a deep breath. "She's so fucking stubborn and all she do is making me fucking mad!"

Coco and Gilly looked its other and smiled, thinking the same thing as they knew better than him.

"What?" the other man yelled and raised his eyebrow.

"You want her" they said in unison.

"What the fuck?" he shake his hand and pushed them aside. "You don't know what are you talking about. I just went there to learn why she left and who the fucks is the kid and why she raised him alone?" he said but kinda asked too. "She knew if she would stayed here we would have helped her. She didn't had to do this alone. Anyway, I went there to see if she's okay, but she so fucking stupid. Do you even know why she left?"

"Man relax and take a breathe or else you gonna die if you keep talking like this" Coco laughed and sat across him drinking his beer. "And yes, I know why she left"

Now the other two man looked him waiting for an explanation but he was quite. It wasn't his place to say something more, Gabriela had to do the rest.

"Angel you need to be there for her, not fight her. She went through so much"

"How am I supposed to be there if she keeps making me mad dude?" his eyes traveled to the bar and asked the girl behind it to bring him another whiskey. "She's not even talk to me. She's all mysterious and shit. I asked her why she never called me and she had the nerve to lie into my face"

"Why? What did she said?" Gilly asked now.

Coco knew the truth, he knew that she called him and he knew whose the kid was. He wanted to tell him, it was his too, but how he would react if  he knew that she took his son away from him?

"She said she called me but I never saw a single call from her!"

"Man, I don't thing she's lying"

Angel looked at Coco and his face was pretty serious about it. His eyes show him that he was getting mad with him talking for Gabriela like that.

He closed his eyes and start to thinking about the past. He was thinking everything that happened between him and Gabby, from the day they get along and they became so good friends, until the night they slept together.

He never saw her like the girl he wanted to be with, but when their bodies became one he felt something that never felt before.

And that scared him so much that he had to tell her that everything was a mistake and should never had happened. He was scared that he would lose her for good, and that's exactly what happened and he couldn't stopped thinking that it was his fault.

"I think you have to ask someone about this calls" he heard Gilly said and at the same time something crossed his mind.

"Shit" Angel whispered and stood up so quickly that the chair he was sitting felt down behind him. "I have to go"

"Where are you going?" Coco screamed as he followed him.

"To clear things up!"

"Man you're fucking drunk! Let me drive you there"

"No" he answered as he sat on his bike and put on the helmet. "I need to do this alone" was his final words as he drove away from the clubhouse.


He knocked the door so hard that his hand starting to hurt. He needed some answers and he was getting them back.

"I'm coming!" she screamed from inside as she open the door fast. "Angel?" 

"What the fuck happened?" he yelled in her face as his hand grabbed her arms and pushed her on the wall.

"What are you talking about?" she was scared and he could tell. "Angel you're hurting me"

"I don't care Adelita. What the fuck happened?  Why I never get the calls from Gabriela?"

"Gabriela?" she asked as her look changed. "Why are you bringing her up? She left you four or was five years ago?" now she had a smile on her face.

"Answer me!" he demand and his fist hit the wall next to her face. "Did she ever called me and you happened to delete those calls?"

Back then, they where together, and they start to share his home some nights. So it makes sense everything as she never liked Gabriela. He remembered her telling him that she had a thing for him but he never believed her. He would know if Gabriela wanted him, he was almost twenty four hours with her.  At least most of the time. 

"Yes" it was all she said and it was like a car crashed him as he felt his heart getting shutter to pieces. "She called you, but I deleted them because she fucking left and never cared about you!"

"Shut up!" he screamed and let her go. "You don't  get to tell if she cared or not! You don't have the right to do that!"

"Of course I do! I saw how broken you were and I couldn't watch you like that. It ghosted you. She ghosted you!"

"You fucked up" he said tired and sat on a chair, with his hands now holding his head.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted you to be happy" she said and her hand went through his hair. She stood inside his legs looking him with desire.

"What are you doing?"

"Me? Nothing. We? A lot for tonight"

This story was over two years ago, they broke up and he knew she was using him right now, but he didn't care. He could use some of a distraction right now . After all he was a man.

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