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"Huh?" Rachel and I confirm in astonishment.

"Okay!" Phoebe replies instantly with a huge grin.

I shake my head furiously. "What? No! Shouldn't this be a decision made by everybody? Not just you two."

No response comes my way except Flumen's cough.

I sigh. "So, I was right. If a Queen wants to do what she wants, she gets to do it. None of you get to stop her even if the majority disagrees. What a nice system!"

Alaena slowly puts down her staff and says to me, "Who said I am acting as a negotiator for the Palace? I might be just visiting an old friend with whom I want to fix my sored relationship. And I might want to take an acquaintance of mine with me." She gestures to Phoebe.

"Yeah, Caroline what's the problem with that?" Phoebe asks with a smile.

I roll my eyes. "Phoebe, you just want a dragon. Stop pretending. And Alaena, I thought you respected rules. I don't think your ancestors ruled Manelysse under loopholes. Believe me, I love 'em too but not when you're taking one of us to a 'friend' of yours who likes to blow up shit."

My indigo eyes lock in with Alaena's. Her grey eyes resemble two clouds that could drop a bolt of lightning at any moment now. I notice my tattoo glowing into a dark blue hue.

Alaena's lips change into a smile but it doesn't reach her eyes. "And how exactly is it a loophole, Caroline?"

I open my mouth to argue but I slowly calm down. "We don't have to fight. If you think your idea is better than mine, then let's put them both to a vote and see what all of us decide. Cool?"

Alaena's eyes twinkle as she replies with a smirk. "Very well. What is your idea?"

I think for a while and then say, "Delay. Send a letter to her saying that we'll meet her but not in her own castle. Somewhere neutral. You guys know about Manelysse's geography a lot more than me so one of you can write any other place. Most probably, she won't budge. Try to keep her busy in letters that are going to decide the location. In the meantime, we should strengthen the land. Are there any spirits or creatures that need some convincing?"

Sephone nods. "There are some water and earth spirits that can be quite useful to us. Your and Queen Rachel's return will help us in convincing them."

"Then that's what we can spend our time at. We also need to train so going anywhere won't help us. That's my idea." I finish while sitting down on a blue chair.

The Council members look at each other in surprise. Apparently, it's easy to impress people in a magical world if you've read enough fantasy books.

Alaena speaks up. "Thank you, Caroline. There is already one vote each from us two for our own plans. We'll start with Rachel and then move around the table. Remember, vote for the idea which you think is right. No harm will come to you nor any grudges will be held against you. We will have disagreements but elementa manere simul."

"Elements stay together," I repeat.

Our heads turn to Rachel who has a hard time getting sentences out. "Um...well...both your ideas are great but um...I think I'll go for Caroline."

I smile. "Thanks, Rach. Next, Pheebs?"

"Alaena. As a Queen, a dragon is important for me." Phoebe states.

"Two for each. Mistress Sephone?" Alaena asks her.

Sephone's eyes quickly move across ours. "I apologise, Your Majesty but Queen Caroline is in the right here. I agree with her."

THE MYSTICAL MIRROR (THE MISTRESS OF MAGIC)Where stories live. Discover now