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"Where are they?" I ask Alyssa with the dagger in my hand.

"In the maze," she answers with her head held high.

"You convinced them?" I confirm with her. She nods in response. "Why?" I demand from her.

Her voice is loud and clear. "I did it for Manelysse, and my Queen." She then turns to Alaena. "Release me from my duty, Your Majesty, if you want. But I persuaded the sisters to help us with Mistress Angelica. You and I both know that if all four rulers are enthroned, it will drastically increase our odds against her. And they are of one of the elder clans. Their powers are much more important than my position."

"Seems like you totally forgot about the death part," I comment bitterly.

"Caroline-" "Queen Caroline." Alaena interrupts Alyssa. Alyssa nods and continues, "Queen Caroline, I was aware of the risk. But I saw something in the three of you that made me sure that you would pass the test. After you succeeded, I realised that they had it in their blood to do it as well. You do not know the state of Manelysse. It is in danger. Severe danger. And I would do it again even if it meant that I would be sentenced to death."

I stare into her silver-black eyes. I see true desperation in there. As if tears are just about to roll out if she is provoked further.

"So, what is to be done with Fairy Alyssa, Your Majesty?" Flumen, the Water's Counter asks in a hushed voice.

"They are not my sisters. And I am not the only Queen." Alaena's head turns to me.

I stay silent when suddenly, I hear the sound of doors opening. I turn around with everybody else and can't believe my eyes.

There they are. My sisters. The Fire and Earth Queens of Manelysse.


Rachel runs forward to hug me. Her new necklace touches my ring as I wrap my arms around her. Phoebe is standing there idly in front of the door until Rachel hugs her as well. Instead of puking with disgust, she surprisingly returns the hug.

"I saw you in there," Phoebe says to me as Rachel unfurls the arms around her back.

"Me? Why?" I move my eyebrows in confusion.

"I don't know. You were in the second task, though." She replies.

I think of my own task and stroke my head. "The task where you encounter the thing you hate the most? Appropriate."

Phoebe cracks a smile. "Well, not really 'you'. It was this spirit thing that acted like you being very annoying and obnoxious. She threw a huge tantrum afterward."

I guffaw at the last sentence. Rachel chimes in. "I saw the first Earth King in that task."

Alaena and her council instantly turn their attention to Rachel. "You saw the spirit of King Harenae?" Sephone, the Earth's Healer, who I am guessing is really close to the element she has her title after, asks Rachel.

"Yeah, it was weird. He gave me a prophecy." Rachel tells her.

"So, you encountered no one who you deeply hated?" Alaena asks her in amazement.

"No, I just met him," Rachel replies innocently.

I shake my head and say, "Of course, Rachel doesn't hate anything. Never a doubt in my mind." 

"Never," Phoebe repeats after me.

"You said something about a prophecy? What prophecy?" Alyssa asks her.

Rachel shifts awkwardly, which causes Phoebe to yell out. "C'mon, tell us!"

Rachel remains silent. "It is fine. If she is not comfortable with telling us then she does not have to." Alaena speaks for my little sister.

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