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"I had already stated my demands in the letter. I am the Empress of Manelysse. That is indisputable. The only question that remains is that whether we peacefully accept my reign and grant all four of you protection or...well, I am sure you know, what the second option is." Angelica's tiara glimmers against her black seat.

Alaena slightly shakes her head. "Peacefully? Since when has the Mistress of Magic chosen peace?"

"I do not want to hurt this land. It is my home just as much as it is yours. But I will not back down if my rights are taken away from me. My rule is based on the grounds that are ancient than the Elemental Rulers themselves. For five centuries, my ancestors have been serving your kind. It is time for one of us to take Manelysse under our control." Angelica's purple irises stare deeply in Alena's stormy eyes. A violet lightning that could blast anyone in the room. 

"My kind? Are we that different now, Angelica? You did not seem to think so when you decided to rule the province of your mother's or when you married Jacob Storm." Phoebe starts stroking the black strap of her quiver.

Angelica delicately removes a strand of purple hair from her forehead. "It took me a long time to come to terms with my true spirits. I was nothing but a servant under you and your mother. That is what all the spirits of magic are under the Elements. I was just a doll for you to play with, nothing else."

Alaena tightly grips her staff. "Wasn't killing my husband enough? Or do you want to insult my dead mother as well?" After not receiving a response, Alaena continues, "Your insults to me or my mother are no concern of the current state of Manelysse. I hear your demands and I do not agree. You are not the Empress of Manelysse. No one is. There are only four Empresses of Elements, of which two of them are standing before you. The only positions of yours are the Duchess of Land of Lights and the Mistress of Magic, that too only in name."

Angelica turns her head to Phoebe. "Do you see her? These are her laws. As long as she lives, you will never be Queen. Your powers will be wasted. You will spend your life playing by her rules. You will have no freedom of your own."

Phoebe tilts her head and observes a violet mist surrounding her. Her head feels a fireplace in the middle of woods. Angelica's cherry smile reminds her of Lena back in Rhode Island. And Lena was always right.

She suddenly feels a hard gem against her back. The violet mist disappears under grey smoke. "Wh...What?" Her baffled face asks Angelica. "What the hell did you do, you stu-"

Alaena instantly interrupts her. "Phoebe, calm down. She was casting a spell on you."

Phoebe most definitely does not calm down as she turns her amber stare to Angelica. "You were doing that thing again that you did in the airport? You know I can burn you to a crisp, don't you? You will be a piece of fried chicken before you can even regret the choice that you made with that hair of yours!"

The black wolf gnarls its ivory teeth at Phoebe while the white one shows off its sharp claws. Angelica simply smiles and caresses the black wolf's fur. She dances her fingers across the air. Her hands start turning maroon. Soon, the tips of her fingers start to emit purple light. The small rays of light turn to a full-fledged flame. She lowers the hand that holds it and ignites the scarlet and black floor.

The purple fire surrounds them as it sizzles at the edges of the four walls. The flames fight amongst themselves to move forward towards her and Alaena. However, Angelica suddenly snaps her fingers and the flames disappear.

"You are a child, Lady Phoebe. A child who does know what to do with her powers and can only defend herself through her immature words. You are not the hero Alaena speaks about. You are not the one she will run to when her position is in danger, especially when she is against powerful spirits. The Air Queen despises us fire spirits. But your sisters are not fire spirits." Phoebe grits her teeth at Angelica's words.

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