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My feet click loudly against the marble floor. I drown out Rachel's calls behind me and keep stomping towards the yard. Finally, I find her conversing casually with Ingozi.

"You knew about it! Didn't you? After all you said, you still didn't tell me anything." My accusations cause her silver-black eyes to widen in shock.

"Caroline, what are you talking about? Rachel, what is she on about?" My ivory hands tighten at her feigned innocence.

"Alyssa, I know who you serve but one hint would've been enough." Her retreated wings spread wide as her stare shifts to my inked tattoo.

My fingers start to conjure the droplets of water when Rachel's hands come between us. "That's enough! Both of you, back away and let me explain everything." Her bronze necklace glows brightly in green.

We stay silent and move away from each other. Perla nervously smiles. "I think it would be better if we all go under the shade to cool ourselves off." She gestures us to the roof of the Palace behind us.

Rachel sighs. "Sorry for getting angry. Phoebe or someone else slid a note under Sephone's room while I was there. Here," I take the yellow page from her which reads-

Rachel, Alaena, and I are going to Angelica's castle early. It's an emergency. Inform everyone and tell Caroline that she can now shut up about her plans.


"And you didn't know about this?" I turn to Alyssa, handing her the note.

"No, but I might know someone who did." She runs back to the main hall as we follow her.

We climb up the marble stairs and stand in front of a simple grey door. Alyssa knocks aggressively. The door creaks open after a moment.

It's Lord Samuel.




"Queen Alaena," Angelica's blood-red lips form a twisted smile. Silence dawns over the lords, ladies, and spirits dressed in the colours of fire surrounding the gallery.

She is seated on a black throne with scarlet stripes painted on it. Her black and purple hair holds an obsidian band with an orange stone in the middle, and a silver tiara above it with violet stones placed alternatively. Two black and white wolves stand on her sides, their brilliant violet irises staring at them.

"Mistress Angelica, I noticed you added some modifications to Castle Draconis. Quite unique for the Duchess of Land of Lights." Alaena's soft voice echoes against the red and black walls that hold torches of purple fire.

"Not as unique as you might believe it to be, Your Majesty. And I believe, it is Empress Angelica." She corrects her.

"We will have to see about that, Your Grace. Oh, I almost forgot, this is Fire Queen Phoebe of Clan Skye, Lady of Flames, Mistress of Ashes, Empress of the Volcanoes, and Head of the Land of Lights." Phoebe's golden cloak flows behind her as she stands tall.

Angelica's lips slightly curl. "Welcome to Castle Draconis, Lady Phoebe. I hope Queen Alaena hasn't mistreated you or your sisters in any way."

Phoebe squints her amber eyes. "Weren't you the one who sent those trolls after us?"

Angelica takes a look at the subjects around her. Phoebe starts hearing them whispering amongst themselves. "The trolls who you encountered were simply patrolling the area for trespassers. Unfortunately, they were met with a tragic end by Fairy Alyssa, you, and your sisters. I was hoping we-"

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