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"You do not look well, Phoebe," Alaena states while they walk beside Nebesia on the fiery grass now tinted with yellow. It has been an hour since they have left the Dragon Castle on the white horse to come to what Alaena called 'Ash Cave' or something like that. Phoebe wasn't really listening. Alaena had requested for their negotiations to be continued tomorrow but she knew that wasn't the real reason.

Phoebe tightly grips her bow strap. "I am fine. Just the dumb magic she did on me. That stupid bi-"

Alaena instantly shakes her head. "I understand the anger you have for her but we have to be careful. No one can understand it better than me. Oh, the profanities I can say against that false Empress!"

"Then, why don't you?" Phoebe had seen the harsh tone Alaena spoke in with Angelica. No wonder she rejected the offer of spending her stay there. Who would want to stay with that purple-haired demon?

Alaena starts stroking Nebesia's left wing. "Cursing her will not help us in any way. Instead, it paints us badly in front of others. All that time insulting her behind her back could be spent to better our home."

"That is the dorkiest shit I have ever heard." The Air Queen slightly tilts her head in confusion at Phoebe's sharp comment. The latter sighs in frustration. "Ugh, you guys need to learn some modern words. Never mind. When will I meet the dragons?"

"Soon." Alaena answers. They stay silent for the rest of the walk.

After a few minutes, they find themselves standing only a few steps before three scaled black towers with orange stripes like dark smoke smothering the violent flames. The middle one has the structure of a yellow dragon at the top. Compared to the grand monstrosity of Castle Draconis, this one looks unimpressive.

Phoebe voices her thoughts out loud. "Kinda boring for someone who owns literal dragons."

Alaena laughs in response. "Lord Cenire does not need a beautiful or deadly castle to accompany the dragons. The beasts are interesting enough themselves as you will soon find out."

They are greeted by two guards in orange and black tunics to lead them to this lord. Phoebe caresses the scaled black walls in the hallway. It feels similar to the snakeskin she was forced to look at when Rachel watched her wildlife shows but harder. It is as if there is a bonfire burning inside the walls.

Alaena suddenly snaps her out of her thoughts. "We have to be wise with our words now. Your fury was needed with Angelica. But we are trying to be friends with Lord Cenire. We need him with us. Most importantly, you need him for your dragon."

Phoebe raises her eyebrow at the last word. She reminds herself of their clique in high school. How everybody is always so welcoming and friendly to the new members with bright smiles plastered on their faces, especially to the ones who make a great addition to any sports team. That seems like such a long time ago now. "I can play nice for an hour." She says back.

Alaena nods in relief. The guards open the dark metal gates in front of them and enter the giant room. It is painted black on one side and amber on the other. There are two dragon-shaped torches next to the orange seat in front of them. They stand in front of a copper-skinned man with a scruffy beard and bronze eyes in a black robe with a crimson dagger stitched on its left sleeve.

"Your Imperial Majesties, it is a pleasure to hold you in this hall. I am glad you were able to receive my message in time. Queen Phoebe, it is an honour that you have decided to choose a dragon. The last two Fire Queens had chosen a phoenix. It has been years since a dragon rider has flown in the sky." The Cenire guy speaks in a guttural voice with a hint of the Ghanian accent that resembles her mother's cousin who had visited them two years ago.

"You're telling me nobody else can ride a dragon except me?" She further inquires.

"Riding a dragon is a skill that is simply restricted to a Fire King or Queen. Many other spirits of heat have tried to do so, including one of my great-aunts if I remember correctly, but none have been able to and barely have even escaped without any injury." He explains.

Phoebe gives a wide grin. She will be the only one to ride a flying beast in this whole land. Her thoughts get interrupted by Alaena's question. "What is the state of the caves, Lord Cenire?"

"Angelica's spells and the talpae are trying their hardest to break them apart, Your Majesty. I assume they will only increase their efforts if we do not stop them now. However..." The lord pauses.

"However?" Alaena repeats.

"The rock spirits who take care of the dragons reported to us that there was some force fighting them off. They described the force as dark and misty. But they have not been able to point to the source." His eyes shift in uneasiness.

"I am sure Master Baleka will look into it." Alaena simply says. She glances around the room and instantly changes the subject. "Your wife does not seem to be here. Is she with your son having their brunch? We apologise if we have interrupted your eating hours." She finishes with a friendly laugh.

Lord Cenire's bright bronze eyes now look like two pieces of metal, rusting away. "My son is with his caretaker in his chamber. My wife, on the other hand, is the head of the Mistress of Magic's artillery."

Alaena seems at loss for words. "Oh, I am...sorry. I truly am. Having your family taken from you like that is...It hurts. Very much."

An awkward moment of silence later, Phoebe speaks up. "So, will we go to these caves now or...?"

Lord Cenire instantly stands up. "Oh yes! I suggest we go now. You nor I have much time to waste, Your Majesty."

Phoebe follows him excitedly to the hall along with Alaena. Expecting to go outside, she is surprised when the lord leads them down the ebony stairs at the back of the hallway. She notices the small cracks on them that reveal the orange flames inside. Her feet feel warm on the enflamed stairs.

She hears Alaena quietly wincing behind her. Her hands are drenched in sweat, unlike the lord and Phoebe. "Are you alright, Your Majesty?" He asks her.

Alaena nods and slowly exhales a breath. Phoebe could feel the air getting slightly colder around her. However, as she moves away from Alaena, the air continues to get hotter.

All of them find themselves in a dungeon, similar to one in Phoebe's last task in the maze. However, there are no large torches or chains, just a chandelier with small flames dangling above them. They all walk to a metal cage at the corner of the dimly lit room. "Come in, My Ladies," Lord Cenire urges them.

"You wanna lock us up?" Phoebe questions him.

He violently shakes his head. "No, Your Majesty! It is a lift for us to reach the dragons quickly. See?" He points to the giant lever next to him.

All of them settle in the list as the lord pushes the dark lever. Phoebe was expecting a swift ride to her dragon, instead, the lift gradually moves upwards. They finally stop beneath a bright orange metal cover. Lord Cenire holds onto its handle and pulls it towards himself. A ladder instantly appears and he gestures them to climb it.

Phoebe steps on the black soil and glares at the majestic sight before her. Her amber eyes settle on at the dark caves with even deeper cracks. Orange and yellow embers glowing like the radiant orb setting down behind the caves. A thousand flames peeking through the sable cavern.

But the caves are nothing. Nothing compared to the fifty dragons staring down at her.


Phoebe is ready to ride a dragon but are the dragons ready for her? What do you think about Lord Cenire? What about his past? What about Lord Cenire's hatred for Angelica? How many more people have Angelica affected and recruited? How will the Queens tackle the problems with the caves? What about Caroline and her plans for distraction? And will Phoebe survive her first ride? Find out in the next chapter.

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