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As Phoebe opens the marble door, I notice a table of the same material in the center with the six chairs being filled up by the advisors and the Queen at the head of the table. The guards are placed near the door itself.

Queen Alaena gestures us to sit down on the three cushioned chairs placed near her. "So, I assume you were quite surprised by this news of your father being a king?" She asks us.

"It was hard not to," I comment.

"Does it mean we're queens?" Phoebe asks a little too directly.

The blue-haired man raises his eyebrows at his companions and says, "Eager, isn't she?"

Phoebe narrows her amber eyes to the man and asks, "And who are you again?"

Everybody at the table tries to muffle their laughter except Ingozi. "Go ahead and introduce yourself, 'sir'." He mocks the man.

The man, seemingly unaffected, answers in a smooth voice, "You have the pleasure to meet Master Flumen Pecunia of the Cymatil Collectors and the Water's Counter to the Elements."

Phoebe's confused face amuses Flumen. The green-haired woman, who looks to be about in her thirties, says, "Perhaps we should first properly introduce the council to the girls. I, myself, am Mistress Ferrine Sephone of Nymphia Healers and the Earth's Healer. There-" She nods towards the man with muddy brown hair. "is Lord Samuel Tryst and the Air's Justiciar. And you have been already introduced to the Fire's Assasin." She glances at Ingozi.

"My Lady-" Rachel starts to speak but Ferrine politely interrupts her, " 'Madame', "

Rachel nods and continues, "Madame, what do these names mean?"

This time, Samuel answers, "This means we are representatives of each element. All of us have different roles to play but in the end, we serve Manelysse. I, for example, as the Air's Justicar, am responsible for drafting the laws of this land. And my duty is to head the other councilors, and serve the Air Queen and the other rulers."

"What Samuel means here is that we control certain areas that require the attention of those who are well-versed with the matter. I take care of the  finances and education of Manelysse, Ingozi acts as a secret informer to the rulers, and Ferrine looks after the health and welfare of the spirits, and the agricultural production of the whole land." Flumen explains to her.

Rachel is satisfied with the answer, but something about this Samuel guy seems unsettling to me. One of his eyes fixes on me. I quickly look away.

"So, back to the queen point. How exactly does it work?" Phoebe asks the Queen.

All the council members raise their eyebrows at her but Queen Alaena just replies, "There is only one way the rulers are chosen. And it is dangerous, very dangerous."

"You said something about a Naemisera. Is that what you are talking about?" I question the Queen.

She looks to her councilors, with one eyebrow raised and answers, "Yes. That is what I am speaking about. It is a maze with four doors. One for each element. You must enter them to let the spirits decide whether you three are the queens or not."

"What exactly happens when we enter them?" Rachel asks, hesitantly.

"This cannot be revealed. The only hint I can give you is that there are four tasks required of you. Four actions that could determine your fate."

"And why again can you not tell us what's in them. I thought you were the Queen." Phoebe asks nonchalantly.

Samuel's  angry eyes turn to Phoebe. Queen Alaena places her delicate hand on the advisor's and replies, "I admire the ferocity in you, Phoebe Skye. But some things are meant to be discovered. If my mother told me everything about the Naemisera, I wouldn't be here. The first rulers created it like that, so no spirit could trick the maze."

"So, if we pass all four of these things, we become Queens. What if we don't?" Rachel's green eyes cast a shadow over themselves as she asks this.

"You pose an unfortunate question, Rachel Skye. I do not wish the answer upon anybody, especially the daughters of Kristofer Skye. This answer will affect you, whether you act upon it or not. It will change you in ways that no one can explain. It will change your view about your father. Do you still wish to hear it?"

Phoebe and Rachel nod without any hesitation. I keep my head still.

"Lady Caroline?" Samuel questions in a condescending tone.

"Sam, please," Alaena tells him in a friendly tone. She then turns to me. "Caroline, if you do not wish to hear it, then we shall not force you. But we will tell your sisters." 

"Fine." I sigh in response.

The only being that moves is Coco who lifts her head up from the back of the room.

Alaena looks to her advisors. All of them nod in unison. She finally responds to the question.

"Well, truth you asked for, the truth you get. The answer is death."


Caroline and her sisters have met the Queen and her Council, but their meeting isn't as joyous as you would think. If Caroline wants a shot at being a ruler like her father, she has to take a dangerous step. Is it worth it? Does she even want to be a Queen? Find out in the next chapter.

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