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"Alys, are you sure you want to go in there?" A young boy clad in black clothes asks the dark-skinned fairy, her wings small and blacker than night itself with no silver. They are surrounded by black and orange grass, a few ashy trees surrounding the string of caves.

Young Alyssa, fixing her short braided hair and laying a hand over the ragged dark dress, answers, "Yes, I am sure. I thought you were the strongest student in the Academy."

The twelve-or-so-year-old boy who I guess is Ingozi, fixes his belt. "I am, but these aren't stupid ash spirits that you can scare away with your wings. These are real fairies!"

"I think you keep forgetting that I live with real fairies. In fact, I am one." Alyssa climbs up the rock, peeping into the large cave, her knees scraping against the crimson shrubs.

"You know what I mean. These are adult fairies with whom we are not allowed to interact with. Have you even told anyone about this in the Sanctuary?" Ingozi questions her.

Alyssa turns to her friend. "No, I haven't, and neither are you going to. Now, wait here, I am going in."

Ingozi calls out after her, his voice echoing in the cave. Suddenly, black spots start to appear and the scenery starts to get shuffled. I hear a loud scream and the vision of Ingozi carrying the fairy's slender body in his hands, struggling to pick her up. Deep bruises and cuts brandish her arms. Her limp torso is then in the lap of someone's callous palms. She starts to wake up.

"It worked," the black mist disappears and I return to the chamber, before the nightly tapestries. Alyssa's wand is back at her side.

I shake my head, trying to clear my mind. "Why did the fairies do that?"

"I told you they were not wicked, but that does not mean they are welcome to strangers. My stupidity would have cost me my life if Ingozi was not there. I wanted to show you how important trust is here. Not even the Air Queen can handle everything by herself, and you are still children. Keep that in mind." Alyssa then smiles and adds, "I also wanted to test this new spell I learned that could only be done in the presence of Night's powers."

I release a low laugh. After a last look at the Black Omen, we head down and get out of Chambre des Peintures. I go back to my room to find a pile of maps, letters, and books near the bed with Coco lying on top of it.

"Get up, Coco." My cat squints her bright blue eyes and jumps on the bed.

I look through the papers and pick up the rolled-up maps. As I unwrap them and lay them on the mattress, a note slips out stating the number of maps, letters, and plans written by Ingozi. After putting the note on the nightstand, I grab a quill and an inkpot from the study and get under the covers with Coco.

"Let's see what we got here," my fingers point to the area shaded in red between the places marked as Land of Lights and The Stream Isle on the map of Manelysse. A huge ocean surrounds the land, not far away from the shaded area. I notice the key of the map written at the bottom where red is stated as 'The Battleground'.

I flip through the pile of papers next to me, going through the letters, I recognise the name- 'Wing Warriors' and read through that page, realising that it is a list of armies fighting for us. I make a note to get a book from Hav Bibliotek to read about the fighting units of the provinces.

I continue to divide the letters and plans depending on their content. While several units have been decided where they would be placed, there is still more work to be done. As I read the letters, I see the names Oceania and Harenae-


300 Omaka Thorns and 100 Kakal'oi Fighters will be arriving at Palace of Beauty along with their tigers and sappae. Clan Harenae shall support the Rule of Elements as long as we deem it to be on the right side and we do not doubt it is with you as our Air Queen. I am sure that Carsten thinks the same. Write to me as soon as this letter reaches you.

THE MYSTICAL MIRROR (THE MISTRESS OF MAGIC)Where stories live. Discover now