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Alyssa staggers a little, while Alaena maintains her composture. "And why do you think that suddenly?"

"Something just came up in my mind. It was important, and I forgot about it." I tell her, not exactly being honest with my answer.

"Are you sure? Do you want to go through it now?" She questions.

I give her a slight nod.

Alaena disappears into the room and comes backs with a thick silver shrug on herself, her crown, and the staff. She doesn't look grand though, she just looks...commanding and powerful.

"Then we need to go," She announces.

"Go where?" I ask her in confusion.

"The Maze doesn't come to us, we go to it. Alyssa, as soon as we leave, go to the sisters' room and tell them about this. Wake up the councilors, and come to us when you receive the message." Alaena emphasizes the last word. "Follow me, Caroline. We mustn't wake anybody up."

I follow the Queen as Alyssa goes in another direction. Alaena leads me to a window sill at the very back of the hallway. She raises her staff and just points it towards the night sky.

Alaena doesn't seem to me as a stupid person, but she was getting quite close to this action. Before I can question her, I notice a white flash in the sky which barely catches my eye.

"What the-" A gush of wind interrupts me, and hovering before me is a creature that I never thought could exist in the real world at least. It is a pegasus.

"Take me back, Nebesia." Alaena softly commands the magnificent white creature. The pegasus parts its wings for its mistress to sit. "Don't you want to come too?" The Queen asks me in an obvious tone.

"Yes, I also want to ride a freaking pegasus." Sarcasm is heavy in my voice.

Alaena just laughs as she strokes the horse's hair. "She is very gentle. She cannot harm you if I am there. Besides, this is the quickest way to Kentroski, the location of the maze."

I stare deep into the animal's stormy grey eyes, same as her mistress', and shakily lift myself to sit at the back.

The pegasus just neighs and takes us to the night sky.

The ride is smooth but extremely fast. It is also very scary. Way scarier than the trained horses one. Nebesia doesn't need reins or anything, just a satchel for us to sit.

In a short amount of time, we land in the middle of a wooded area with a crystal-blue river flowing at the back.

While Nebesia helps herself to the grass beside us, Alaena taps her staff on the ground and chants, "Water, Air, Fire, and Earth. A new contender comes today. She claims to be the spirit of water. She claims to be your descendant. She claims to rule Manelysse. What name does she claim to have?"

I am blindsided by her sudden question but still manage to answer, "Caroline Skye."

Alaena taps the staff again, and a small box appears out of nowhere. But it doesn't stay a small box for long. It turns into a huge labyrinth-like structure with four doors in the front. They seem oddly similar to the ones from my room in Paris.

The door on the furthest left is painted olive green with brown roots designed at the bottom, and emerald studded on their tips. The door on the furthest right is half-red and half-orange with orange gemstones and rubies studded on them respectively. The door next to the green one is made up of white marble with silver wind strokes painted on it. And finally, the door that I am meant to go into is light-blue in color with indigo waves designed on them.

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